
July 22, 2024

As a host, the teacher and a group of mainland students took a tinkling trolley tour. Along the way, the teacher talked about the history of Thirteen Houses, and the history and changes of the Chinese and Western districts. The author of “The Shop”, Sissi, is looking for the mood of a lazy afternoon with a group of young boys who are intoxicated by romance.


July 22, 2024

Parents' Guide to Choosing a School ~ A group of Mainland parents visited Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall to learn more about our school's curriculum and career planning.


July 19, 2024

It took the student only 3 seconds to jump up and avoid the wave and then control the ball!


July 18, 2024

It's only raining, but it's still not enough to stop the passion and excitement of students practicing soccer. A group of students went to Chelsea Soccer School to participate in the summer training. (Video provided by Mr. Chan Chun Yiu)

Video Here


July 18, 2024

Our special school teacher Chan Chun-yiu on-site live coverage Hong Kong Island Region JPC and Chelsea Football School co-organized anti-drug soccer summer training program, three photo booths: (1) Our school Yuen, a block and a block. The team received a lot of applause. (2) Kumar of our school controlled the ball and crossed the ball. (3) Our school Subhan controlled the ball and scored a goal from left to right. The whole game was organized by our school.


July 17, 2024

Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall a new milestone. After three years of hard work, the DSE results are released today! The hard work of all of us has paid off and we are finally accountable, students, go for it!


July 15, 2024

Tai Tam Reservoir Historical and Geographic Exploration Review 
Date: July 11 
Venue: Tai Tam Reservoir 
S2 students who were not required to join the summer revision program went to Tai Tam Reservoir to explore the geography and history of the reservoir under the guidance of Mr. Sze Nin Fung and Mr. Lam Kwok Ming.


July 14, 2024

Oh Parents - ohpama.com- I just got certified as an avid fan of theirs!


July 12, 2024

Do you have this experience? Every summer vacation, must meet Best friends to go to the movies, today, students about a group of teachers to go to Times Square in Causeway Bay to see Inside Out 2 (English version), the students said in unison, about teachers to see the movie, another feeling, a lot of topics ...... Ah Lok, no need to be anxious, no need to be worried, no need to be annoyed, no need to be agitated, no need to be frightened, no need to hate.


July 12, 2024

Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) promotes a one-family system. We always strive to promote racial integration. Our school EM coordinator Ms Bibi Sumna attended the award ceremony for the Equal Opportunities Commission’s 2023/24 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Ceremony and the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance. We’re happy to announce that we’re now officially one of the racially friendly campuses.


July 12, 2024

6 Days 5 Nights Study Tour in Shanghai ~ After the farewell party, we took the high speed train back to Hong Kong on the next day, and the tour ended successfully with a lot of benefits!

July 11, 2024

Lam Chit Han of Class 5B and student representatives of our alumni schools shared with the leaders of Shanghai and Hong Kong, as well as teachers and students of the schools their valuable experiences and feelings of the 6-day-5-night exchange tour to Shanghai. They thanked the leaders for their careful arrangement, and the teachers and students of the schools spent many days together, traveled to Shanghai's monuments and attractions, visited various enterprises, learned from each other, knew each other, cherished each other, and traveled thousands of miles to talk about the future together.

Video Here


July 11, 2024

The last stop of the study tour in Shanghai is a visit to the Shanghai Broadcasting Museum, where you will learn about the history of the Shanghai Broadcasting Station, which is very interesting!


July 11, 2024

The last stop of the 6-day Shanghai study tour ~ a visit to the Shanghai Broadcasting Museum to learn more about the history of the Shanghai Broadcasting Station, which was very informative and interesting!


July 10, 2024

This morning, students had the honor to visit an aircraft manufacturing company, the base of the domestic model C919, to learn about the manufacturing of parts and the assembly of the aircraft. He was able to experience the development of our country's great aviation industry. Unfortunately, photography is strictly prohibited inside the building, so we were unable to share the environment of this vast project.


July 10, 2024

As the 6-day-5-night trip to Shanghai drew to a close, the students visited the Shanghai Dishui Cloud Hall Planning and Exhibition Center, which showcases a series of planning and construction projects in the Lingang area of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ), a high-speed development that has helped connect Shanghai to the world.


July 10, 2024

Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall New Mileage ...... This photo is ready to make headlines on the school website! When students visited the Shanghai Museum, there was an exhibition on Chinese etiquette and culture. As students, they could not miss any opportunity to utilize their artistic potentials, so they took the initiative to set up a publicity stand and encourage 30 students to take selfies from different angles, which was thought to be an advertisement by visitors.


July 9, 2024

Under the Workplace Experience Program, students were transformed into the core members of the construction industry, put on the work clothes and work with the masters, which gave them a good sense of job satisfaction!
Video Here


July 9, 2024

With the rapid development of technology, some people think that Confucianism is outdated, but in fact, science and innovation and traditional Confucianism can go hand in hand, and the Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall has been committed to developing and promoting a cross-disciplinary STEM curriculum in recent years, which incorporates Confucianism, poems, lyrics, and songs, and other traditional Chinese cultures, and has won awards in various STEM activities and competitions. The school also encourages students to travel a long way as well as read a lot. Therefore, the school often organizes study tours to the Mainland and overseas, allowing them to travel from the Greater Bay Area to Shanghai and Beijing to gain a deeper understanding of their country, as well as to Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States, to experience the development of innovation and technology in various places, so as to cultivate students to become creative talents with both moral and ethical qualities as well as an international outlook.


July 8, 2024

NCS students were interviewed by the China Central Television (CCTV) and shared their experiences during their trip to Shanghai.


July 8, 2024

The students roamed around the Yuyuan Garden, one of the most important monuments and cultural relics in China.


July 8, 2024

Twenty classmates and 50 classmates from Shandong Huan Cui Middle School students completed the afternoon STEM, Interactive Learning class, and the bell rang! Friendship is forever!


July 8, 2024

The most awaited moment for the students was lunch. Today, the principal's father arranged Cantonese dim sum, sweet and sour pork on ice, stir-fried beef, dragon barge, roasted goose, and homemade small dishes. Teachers and students from Shandong visited Hong Kong for the first time and were warmed by the delicious food.


July 8, 2024

Huancuiinternational Middle school & Students Bowling Tournament in South China Association~ Bowling Friendship Tournament


July 8, 2024

Principal Yeung and Weihai No.1 Middle School teachers pose for a group photo. After a welcome speech by student Mok Po-Yi, teachers and students of the two schools fought for time to go to class together.


July 8, 2024

Friends from afar~This morning 50 students and 8 teachers from our sister school Huancuiinternational Middle school visited Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall, March students and Huancuiinternational Middle school. In March, the students and Huancuiinternational Middle school met each other in Hong Kong. Today, Shandong students will participate in our school's unique learning experience, with 50 students joining us and enjoying a day of learning.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


July 7, 2024

A night tour of the Shanghai Bund and a taste of Shanghainese cuisine.

July 7, 2024

This campus, this corridor, this classroom, this auditorium, SONY has captured the scene in our school, which is extremely creative, you can browse the music video.

Video Here


July 7, 2024

Sunday Morning Class ~ Students visited Guangming Middle School, a famous century-old school in Huangpu District, Shanghai.


July 7, 2024

On the third day of the (Greater Bay Area) Hong Kong Through-train School Education Exhibition, students share their school life with parents, while mainland parents rush to submit applications for their children's admission.


July 7, 2024

Principal Dr. Yeung Wing Hon introduces the school philosophy of Confucius Hall Lei Yan College to parents at AsiaWorld-Expo.
Video Here


July 7, 2024

Arrive in Shanghai after a night in a sleeper on the high speed train and meet 750 Shanghai youths after breakfast.


July 6, 2024

6 Days 5 Nights Shanghai High Speed Rail Journey, Tonight's First Trial of Sleeper Shops, Wake Up in Shanghai.


July 6, 2024

AsiaWorld-Expo Hall 3 & 6 J14, today vs yesterday's registration. We exceeded the budget and suddenly had to process a large number of applications.


July 6, 2024

Mr. Chow Shun Kwan participated in the "19th Chinese Virtues Education Initiative Teacher Training Workshop" jointly organized by the New Asia College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Oriental Institute of Ethics, Beijing, to share the school's philosophy and development with schools in the Mainland.


July 5, 2024

The district has a history exhibit, 18 schools are well prepared, and all students are fully engaged with high levels of resilience and learning energy.


July 5, 2024

The "History in the District: My History Study Report" organized by the National Centre for Historical Studies (NCHS) was presented by teachers and students from 18 secondary schools in the Confucius Lecture Theatre. The students introduced their study to the guests, which was very creative and valuable for exploration.


July 5, 2024

Under the scorching hot weather, the playground maintenance work continued and the technicians insisted on rushing through the work, thanks for your hard work! We have to make it in time for the school year to start in September!


July 5, 2024

Post-trial Activity Series ~ 18 secondary school teachers and students gathered at Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall to participate in the "History in the District: My History Study Report" organized by the National Centre for History Education. Students came from different schools to observe and learn from each other, accumulating treasures and storing up treasures, which was a rare opportunity to meet Hong Kong historian Prof. Ting Sun-pao's lecture, which was a brilliant opportunity to read history and learn from the past to know the present. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the team of the National History Education Center for their careful arrangements.


July 4, 2024

Post-trial Activity Tour ~ Students visited the Cattery to learn about the current situation of stray cats in Hong Kong and experience service learning. In just two hours' time, they had already built up a subtle bond with the cats and wanted to bring them back to school !


July 4, 2024

S4 Geography Field Trip Review 
Date: July 3 
Location: Lion Rock Country Park
Led by Mr. Chan Shu Chun and Mr. Sze Nin Fung, our S4 Geography students started their Geography field trip on a sunny morning. Starting from Hongmei Valley and winding their way up the Lion Rock, the students were very interested in the natural landscape and geographical phenomena along the way.
Explore the highlights: 
- Aqueducts
- Catchment
- Characteristics of the upper reaches of the river 

The students were fascinated by Mr. Chen's explanation of textbook knowledge such as the cooling effect caused by evaporation, river grades, flow rate of the upper river, and the color of humus. Although some students felt that they could not make it up the hill, with the care and encouragement of teachers and students, they successfully climbed up to the 310-meter-high Reunification Pavilion of the Lion Rock, overlooking the Kowloon Peninsula and the east side of the Victoria Harbour. The expedition ended successfully under the cool breeze of the Pavilion.


July 3, 2024

Good news! On July 2, the STEM team led the students to win outstanding results in two large-scale school STEM competitions in Hong Kong on the same day. On that day, the students were divided into two teams, with the 5B team, led by Ms. Ng Tat Ming, Head of IT, taking part in the "Digital Fortune 2023-2024 Secondary School Students' Four-Frame Story and Short Film Competition" on the other side. On the other side, Mr. Kam Ka Chun, Head of Science, led the 5B team to win the "Frontier Innovation Team Award" in the "Aquatic Unmanned System Challenge".

The Academy of Innovation was a showcase of the achievements of creative learning, and the elites were all together. The STEM program inspires young people to build their dreams and self-confidence, and encourages students to realize their potentials, "As long as you have a dream, everything can come true.


July 2, 2024

The final report card of the semester is ready! Good news after good news, after several months of judging, our school was awarded the first runner-up with a prize of $6,000 in the grand final of the territory-wide "Digital Financial Intelligence" video production co-organized by the Investment Commission, Hong Kong Economic Journal and Education Bureau, and our school has just been interviewed by the press! This competition is the best proof of the school's family spirit and deserves a warm applause. Several strong subject heads collaborated with each other to provide advice at different stages of the competition, several 5B masters gave full play to their reverse thinking and threw out 100+ ideas, and Principal Yeung made an appearance in the competition, and the whole school mobilized to canvass for support, and the whole school cheered at the moment of announcing the awards.


July 2, 2024

Team 5B won the first runner-up in the Digital Financial Intelligence 2023-2024 Secondary School Students' Four-Frame Story and Video Competition. The competition strengthened the students' analytical and dialectical skills, and the repeated revision of information and learning deployment gradually accumulated experience, which is very useful for future studies or employment. We are grateful to the organizer for the arrangement of the Competition, and to the teachers for their selfless dedication and support.

July 1, 2024

Three school journalists waited for two days at the school and finally got a glimpse of the ten tigers chess masters of Guangdong. The three of them surrounded the tiger girl and interviewed her, and the duel between the two players made the spectators gnash their teeth.

Video Here


July 1, 2024

Hong Kong Celebrates Return to Xiangqi Friendship Tournament 2024, famous Guangdong chess players gathered at Confucius Hall today for the national live broadcast of the tournament. Three campus reporters were in charge of the coverage.


June 30,2024

The Centre for National History Education held its annual historical character drama "Empty Mountain Seal of Deep Affection for Wang Wei". Prof. Lee Chack-fan, Prof. Ting Sun-bao, Dr. Yeung Wing-hon took photos with the cast members.


June 30,2024

On the eve of the July 1 Handover Memorial Day, Xiangqi masters from Mainland China and Hong Kong gathered at the Confucius Hall to compete in a nationally broadcasted tournament. To mark the occasion, our school sent three campus reporters to follow the senior tournament commentators from Shandong to report on the battle.


June 29,2024

On 29th June, our Break Dance Team attended the Break Dance Assessment Competition held at Olympian City, organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong DanceSport Association, and our students were awarded the B Grade Award for their outstanding performance.

Video Here


June 29,2024

Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall is committed to the development of service learning. In the past year, the volunteer team has carefully planned various volunteer services to benefit different sectors of the community, including children, primary school students, the elderly, environmental conservation, house pets, etc. Today, the students attended the Volunteer Award Ceremony of the Hong Kong Children and Youth Services, and were awarded with the Individual Award and the Organizational Award respectively.


June 28,2024

Instant Message: Principal Yeung met with Principal Shen Li of Yuhuatai Junior High School in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and visited the campus. Mr. Chow Shung Kwan, the head of the Chinese Language Department of the school, introduced the philosophy and curriculum features of Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall.


June 28,2024

Our school was awarded the Best Inflatable School Award under the MVPA60 Award Scheme organized by the Education Bureau (EDB). Our student representative, 4B Lo Lok Fung, 5B Lam Kwan Yin, was present at the award presentation ceremony to present the award by the Head of the Department of Exercise and Sports Science of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Under Secretary for Education.

實時傳送: 江蘇省

June 28,2024

Instant Message: Principal Shen Li of Yuhuatai Junior High School in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province signed a sister school alliance with our school.


June 28,2024

Live broadcast ~ Principal Yeung is in Nanjing, attending the signing ceremony of the Suzhou-Hong Kong Sister Schools, and teachers and students are looking forward to academic exchanges and meeting each other in the new school year.


June 28,2024

President Yeung visited Nanjing to observe the signing ceremony for the establishment of a patriotism education study base.


June 27,2024

Business School Partnership Program ~ Dream Builders (Previous Episode), the Education Bureau, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a few CEOs of Hong Kong's leading retail and service companies (Greater China) visited the school. They were divided into groups with senior high school students to talk about their dreams and future. Some students wanted to work in the healthcare industry; some chose to pursue higher education and do research; some wanted to spend 10 years of their youth to earn the first bucket of money in their life, and then retired to enjoy their life; some wanted to be a forensic science master. As long as you are willing to work hard and pursue lifelong learning, you will have multiple pathways.


June 27,2024

The student went from outdoor to indoor play and refused to say Goodbye sir.


June 27,2024

Relax after exams ~ After lunch, the Counseling Team organized a Positive Energy Workshop with a KIN BALL battle, which was so intense that the cheers were definitely over 90 decibels.


June 26,2024

A visit to the Hong Kong Palace Museum is another experience.


June 25,2024

Students, waiting for you to come home for dinner! Next stop, Shanghai, all the way!

June 25,2024

Dressed in traditional Korean national costume, it's like traveling through time and space, a dreamy journey.

Video Here


June 25,2024

Direct delivery from Seoul, home-made kimchi, pick up at the airport tonight. Correction: I asked my classmates for kimchi this morning, but they said that the kimchi they pickled at the workshop yesterday was for families in need, so they didn't try it and couldn't take it with them. Oh, my goodness! Lilly Volunteer Team covers Seoul!

Video Here


June 25,2024

This morning, the Counseling Team brought Form 4 and 5 students to the "Chill Lab Emotional Experience Hall" to experience the physical and psychological symptoms of psychiatric patients through Virtual Reality (VR) scenarios and Augmented Reality (AR) games. In the "Real Life Library" session, we interacted with ex-mentally ill persons to understand their personal experiences, feelings and insights.


June 25,2024

The Most Anticipated Moment of the Seoul Trip


June 24,2024

Last month's activity was canceled due to rainy weather, but today we finally had a chance to play games with the sunshine after the examination. All the volunteers of the counseling group walked to Acacia Bay to participate in the "Beach Cleaning Activity", listening to the instructor's explanation of the importance of the marine ecology and environmental conservation, and disposed of the total amount of garbage of 46.92 kg. We have to be a good and responsible citizen and contribute to the preservation of the homeland.


June 24,2024

Visiting Seoul's Azabu Resource Recovery Center, the residents are practicing green living and are willing to do their part for sustainable development and generational equity, while the government is committed to promoting waste reduction technologies.


June 24,2024

The campus of Yonsei University in Seoul is full of art and the library reservation system is very advanced. Students listened attentively to the sharing of Yonsei University student representatives and communicated with Yonsei University students in English, which made their visit to Yonsei University a very fruitful one.

June 23,2024

Seoul Hyundai Car Detector.
Video Here


June 23,2024

Students learned how to assemble a car, how to complete a safety test, and more in the exhibition, and they had a great time!
Video Here


June 23,2024

At the Seoul Modern Automobile Exhibition Center, students were eager to test drive cars made by Korea's largest automaker!

首爾創科歷史研學團Day 3

June 23,2024

Day 3 of the Seoul Creation History Study Tour~Teachers and students set out on a sunny day to travel the miles with their arms folded.

首爾歷史研學Day 3~距離北韓只有2100米

June 23,2024

Day 3 of the Seoul History Study ~ North Korea is only 2,100 meters away! Students looked at North Korea through binoculars and felt a mixture of curiosity and emotion. Looking at the historical data, we deeply felt the desire of the people of the North and the South to unify, and we all felt a sense of empathy and a variety of feelings.

首爾歷史研學 Day 3~臨津閣

June 23,2024

Seoul History Study Day 3~ Imjin-gak, the most popular attraction for history students, a place to worship the defectors at the border between North Korea and the Republic of Korea, with North Korea on the other side of the border.
Freedom Bridge: The two sides exchanged prisoners.
Comfort Women

首爾歷史研學(Day 3)

June 23,2024

Seoul History Study (Day 3)~The first stop was a visit to the DMZ unarmed area, where students were able to experience the history of the Korean War. Students were excited and nervous to be near the border between North and South Korea!


June 23,2024

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) had a parent-child trip to Greenfield Garden, where the first stop was the Parent-Child Kitchen Fun, where parents made traditional Hakka cuisine, tea kuey teow, to symbolize love and unity in a family. The calf in Greenfield Garden was very spiritual, and specially approached the principal to learn from him. Calf, let'go, Confucius Hall welcomes you!


June 22,2024

June 22,2024

Teachers and students were excited to see the fireworks display of the cruise ship when they arrived at the hotel in Seoul.

Video Here


June 22,2024

Special Birthday  Two students, Belmont and Aaliyah, spent their birthdays with the Korean tour group, and the tour guides and teachers prepared birthday cakes for them to celebrate their Special Birthday together!


June 22,2024

Our students are having dinner now! Experiencing Korean food and understanding the culinary culture were part of the tour. Our tour guide introduced that Korea was once a nomadic people, so most of the food is meat-based. Today, I experienced barbecue meat and grilled chicken.


June 22,2024

In Korean custom, family members will prepare seaweed soup for the birthday person to remember the kindness of their upbringing. Today is Belmont's birthday, and with the seaweed soup, the Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall family celebrated the birthday with a warm and cozy atmosphere.

June 22,2024

Seoul SAMSUNG Pavilion: "Your students are having so much fun that they don't want to leave" ......

Video Here

June 22,2024

Innovative Technology Navigation by KENJI.

Video Here

June 22,2024

Spread AICH to the universe.

Video Here


June 22,2024

Students visited the Samsung Museum, where the Commissioner explained the development of semiconductors and the history of Samsung's founding.


June 22,2024

The first activity of the second day of the STEM and History Tour in Seoul, Korea, was a visit to the Samsung Innovation Museum, which was a great eye-opener for the students, who were impressed by the rapid development of technology!


June 22,2024

This morning, we participated in the Wan Chai District Dragon Boat Youth Open Race and entered the final four rounds of the final race, now the Chief District Officer of Wan Chai will preside over the clearing ceremony, we all gave it our best shot and won the second place in the Wan Chai Youth Open Race by one second.


June 22,2024



June 22,2024

After two months of training, they are very happy with the results and many parents were there to cheer them on.
Video Here


June 21,2024

Seoul Street View


June 21,2024

Seoul Study Tour ~ Dinner is served! Tonight, we are having Korean Ginseng Chicken Soup at a Michelin recommended restaurant.


June 21,2024

This morning, the students went to the cattery of Hong Kong Dogs and Cats Rescue Association (HKDCRA) as volunteers. The volunteer team of HKDCRA praised the students for their initiative and outstanding performance! The meowers were very satisfied with the VIP service provided by the students.


June 21,2024

Getting on the plane! We'll be reporting on the Seoul school trip, so keep an eye on this page.


June 21,2024

It's time to go! For the past three months, the students have been working hard on data collection, interviews, and tests to get the highest scores. The hardest part of the trip was getting individual student visas, but today they are able to travel together as a group as a result of their joint efforts, and we are grateful to the three section chairs for their active preparations.


June 20,2024

Sing Tao Daily interviews students on campus life stories


June 18,2024

Friends come from afar! Principal Yang receives old friends ...... Hong Kong Weihai Clansmen's Association and the Principal of Shandong Weihai Huan Cui Middle School (a sister school) brought a new friend, the Principal of Shandong Weihai Shing Cheng Middle School, who had a good opportunity to share his experience in value education.


June 16, 2024

Eid Mubarak everyone !宰牲節快樂!
Eid ul-Adha celebrates the time when Prophet Ibrahim had a dream which he believed was a message from Allah asking him to sacrifice his son Isma'il as an act of obedience to God.
The devil tempted Ibrahim by saying he should disobey Allah and spare his son. As Ibrahim was about to kill his son, Allah stopped him and gave him a lamb to sacrifice instead.
Muslims sacrifice a sheep or goat (in Hong Kong the animal is killed at a slaughter house). The meat is shared equally between family, friends and the poor.
Muslims celebrate Eid ul-Adha on the last day of the Hajj. The Hajj is pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia. It occurs every year and is the Fifth Pillar of Islam (and therefore very important).
May this Eid bring happiness and peace to all! Happy Eid-ul-Adha!

June 14, 2024

The Hong Kong Observatory has hoisted the red rainstorm warning. All examinations concerning S1, 2, and 4 this afternoon will be rescheduled for the same time on 17 Jun (Monday). For enquiries, please contact the General Office. Thank you.

June 11,2024

Summer Vacation for Students! Everyone is ready to travel a long way! Thanks to our teachers' careful arrangement, the following tours can depart as scheduled:
June Korea History + STEM Study Tour
July exchange trip to Singapore
July exchange trip to Shanghai


June 11,2024

Chinese Students Experience the Classroom


June 11,2024

Dr. Yang led the Chinese, English and Mathematics teachers to Xiamen Shishi Chinese and English Experimental School to conduct classroom research activities with Chinese teachers.


June 6,2024

Highlights of the Teacher Development Day, where everyone listened attentively to the boss sharing his entrepreneurial journey.

「校園 · 好精神系列」

June 6,2024

"Campus - Good Spirit Series" ~ Teachers had the opportunity to go out of campus and make Turkish lamps together, the instructor praised the Confucius Hall team of teachers for their creativity, and I realized that the teachers who usually have a serious attitude are very funny, each one of them made a lamp by hand to brighten up their spirits. I sincerely thank the two social worker girls for their attentive arrangement to take care of the teachers' spirits, so that we can release the positive energy, and we will make an appointment for the next time. Teachers and students will play together!

年度總結 輔導組本年度最後一次活動

June 4, 2024

The last event of the year for the Guidance Team was the Good Job Reward and Appreciation Day. After the last Curry Fish Egg Appreciation Festival, there were freshly baked Hot and Spicy Crispy Egg Tart, Cookie Egg Tart, and Frozen Rice Pudding Rewards this year, which gave us all a place to get together at lunchtime to share our feelings. We would like to thank all of our teachers for being with us for one whole year, and for their continuous encouragement to strive for success and advancement, which is an unforgettable gift from our teachers.


June 3, 2024

This morning Dr. Yeung came to St. Francis Xavier's School (Tsuen Wan) as a guest speaker to share his book “The Exhortation and the Reminder”, Dr. Yeung is more than just a school principal. He is more than a principal. He is a teacher, who, in the past 40 years, has become a mentor to his students from their older brother, with exhortations and tears of joy and laughter. He is also a student, opening up the cultural journey in the United Kingdom, full of interesting stories of studying abroad, on the road of life, never stop seeking knowledge. The principal has worked as a social worker, getting to know the students better, unlocking their growth issues, reaching out to the lower class, and working with at-risk youth. He is also a professor, teaching literature, philosophy and counseling at the university, and has left his mark on the universities of Hong Kong and Macau. He is also a school principal. On stage, he discusses human nature and the past and present, giving students a head start; off stage, he travels with students in many European countries and all over China.
The sincere teacher-student relationship permeates the entire book, and the loving mothers, mentors, close friends, and neighbors in President Yang's writing are equally heartfelt.
Life affects life. Dr. Yang is “Big Brother” and “Grandpa” in the mouths of the students, while the students give him feedback that “although life is helpless, you cannot live without a dream”, which is like a ray of light in the midst of turbidity.


May 31, 2024

Year in Review: Competitive Athletes

年度總結 今年有探訪獨居長者

May 28, 2024

Yearly Summary: This year, we have visited the elderly living alone, child care service and children's service. Students in the Junior High School Volunteer Group learnt about the characteristics of the service recipients, such as the need to prepare for the activities, the supplies and the gift-wrapping.


May 28, 2024

The annual summary of the morning reading class performance awards, the award-winning students should be consistent, in the morning reading class on time to complete the "good books with sound" worksheets


May 27, 2024

Campus. Good Spirit Series ~ Theme "Dream", Zhiqi taught everyone to practice breathing and relaxation, the talented students in the class, using the hundred famous sayings of the pre-Qin Dynasty to explain the mystery of dreams, the whole room stood still for ten seconds, and a few students demonstrated the method of dreaming.

May 24, 2024

Wish List: We hope to add one Al lesson per day in the new school year, so that our campus life will be more fulfilling.

Video Here


May 24, 2024

Enrollment for the 22nd (2024-25) Chinese Studies Program at Confucius Hall in Hong Kong is now open.
For course enquiries, please call 96227183 or email to sllam2006@yahoo.com.hk


May 23, 2024

Pistachio nut Month 2024 Finale
Most Popular "Lunchtime Delicacies" Award
Healthy Snack Combination Award": Blueberry + Low Fat Cheese Month 2024 Grand Finale
Most Popular "Lunchtime Taste" Award
Healthy Snack Combo Award: Blueberry + Low Fat Cheese


May 23, 2024

Inter-Society STEAM Quiz Competition 2024
The four societies sent their top students in Mathematics and Science to participate in the competition, and the Yi Society was the big winner, with high scores, winning 120 Good Job Coupons. This year, the depth and breadth of the questions had caused chaos to the members of the societies, and the president of the society had already made early arrangements to change the players, and deployed the royal cards to save the day. 20 minutes after the opening of the competition, the scrambling section had made everyone's heart beat faster, and they could not catch their breath.
Afterword: "You don't want to miss the time when you need to use the book", students have to study harder! Cheer up!


May 22, 2024

Fun! Experiential Learning in Tertiary Institutions, S5 visited UOW College Hong Kong.


May 22, 2024

Campus Thanksgiving Ceremony
At the end of the semester, the school social worker arranged for us to say thank you to all the students and teachers who we have met on the road to growth. We are thankful for all the students and teachers that we have met on our journey together.


May 22, 2024

Three alumni from the 1970s accompanied a group of old church friends to visit our alma mater, sharing interesting stories and encouraging Form 5 students with their past experiences. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the CityLab team for arranging the visit, which brought together two generations of Confucian scholars half a century apart.

Afterword: I often receive visitors, and I deeply feel that Confucius graduates have common characteristics: filial piety, hard work, thriftiness, care for the family, nostalgia, and the students' good morals are passed on from generation to generation. The success of education is not only to cultivate talents for the society, but also to cultivate morals, and to fulfill the social responsibility.


May 20, 2024

We need, we need, we need everyone to vote for the production team of Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall, the original scripts of the students, and the appearance of the school principal!

Polling Link Here


May 18, 2024

Saturday morning, students was the first runner-up in the U16 Boys Try Rugby Bowl of the Rugby Sevens Invitational.


May 17, 2024

After the 5 days and 4 nights graduation trip to Beijing, we are going back to Hong Kong tonight, so we are going to hang out in Hong Kong.


May 17, 2024

Our students are enthusiastic in participating in charity activities, among them, 5B Lam Kwan-yin received the Intermediate Badge, 1B Leung Shing-kit received the Outstanding Team Member Award, and our school won the Bronze Award in the "Wan Chai District Thematic Activity Competition - Service to the Community", congratulations!


May 16, 2024

The CityLab Child Development Foundation arranged for the two churches to arrange a visit to the Confucius Lecture Theatre. The students took up the important task of introducing the history of the school and the Confucius Lecture Theatre, and this time, they met three alumni from the 1970s who reminisced about their youthful days of schooling, and two history scholars acted as guides to explain the history of the Eight-Year War volunteers' struggles and the stories of Causeway Bay, which was a far-reaching integration of the young and the old.


May 16, 2024

Must-visit attractions in Beijing: the Temple of Heaven and Shichahai, together with the subject teacher of Form 6, had a trip here .....


May 15, 2024

Exchange between our S6 students and professors from Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)


May 15, 2024

Visit to Beijing Language and Culture University

Graduation Trip in Beijing

May 15, 2024

Graduation Trip in Beijing, Chinese calligraphy, amazing!


May 15, 2024

A visit to Beijing Chen Jinglun Middle School Poly Primary School.


May 14, 2024

Students' "Home" Love Series: Limited places were available for the midday leather workshop, so everyone practiced in secret, preparing for Father's Day with one hand, one needle and one thread, full of love.


May 14, 2024

When I read history and walk to the Luquqiao Bridge, I think of our forefathers, and my heart is heavy!


May 14, 2024

Artist-in-Residence of the Company, Mr. Lo Tsz Kin, instructed Class 3B on drama presentation skills.


May 13, 2024

Visit the Beijing National Stadium, commonly known as the "Bird's Nest", located in the Olympic Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing.


May 13, 2024

Must-see Attractions in Beijing - Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing


May 13, 2024

After celebrating Mother's Day, the Beijing exchange group is off to Beijing, Go! Go! Go! This time, there are elements of the F6 graduation group, and at the same time, there are also 8 students from F1-F5 who have been selected through written exams and interviews.


May 12, 2024

Today, on Mother's Day, Mr. Chan Chun Yiu and his two Mathematics students went to Shenzhen Kung Ying Secondary School to participate in the final round of the Huaxia Cup National Mathematical Olympiad Invitational Competition, and all the students cheered for the two representatives.


May 10, 2024

With the support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the school will continue to develop arts education in 2023-2024, which includes activities such as traditional Cantonese Opera and Nanyin, art therapy and seminars for young artists, as well as elements of stage art. A team of artists led by Issac Lam, a veteran stage performer, will arrange 20 lessons for students to have different opportunities to show their skills in front of the camera, in line with the theme of "School. In line with the theme of "Good Spirit in School", teamwork is the key point of the curriculum. Issac skillfully injected diversified art elements into the classroom, so that Lei Yan Chai can better appreciate art, enrich his imagination, and have more creative ideas and room for creativity, and is no longer solely addicted to video games and virtual networks. We are grateful to have met a group of young artists who have the heart and the drive to accompany the students in their growth.


May 9, 2024

Admission Seminar: Beijing Language and Culture University sent two famous professors to the school to hold an admission seminar, the institution's fourth-year Hong Kong students to share their learning life in Beijing as a passer-by, many high school students are also very eager to go to the capital city of Beijing to learn a foreign language, the senior sister revealed that four years of university life has made her grow up very quickly, regardless of whether it is outside the country or in the Mainland to further education is also very suitable for the contract schooling, the students have always been bold enough to the difficulty of the challenge.  


May 7, 2024

Our students put away their smiles and laughter and received congratulations from everyone.


May 4, 2024

"In the most difficult match, the students insisted on not giving up and the Men's A Rugby Team won the Chan Shu Kui Rugby Sevens Invitational Bowl Championship in the pouring rain and were presented with their prizes by the CEO of the Rugby Football Union, Mr. Robbie Mcrobbie.

家添愛 2.0篇

May 3, 2024

Family Love 2.0
The six students of The Hong Kong University of Education have completed their internship. In the past nine weeks, teachers and students have worked together, from being strangers to bonding with each other, breaking down barriers, and working together to study and learn, as well as to teach each other. Every time a professor observes a class, the students are like facing a formidable enemy, holding their breath and keeping their spirits up. They are also eager to raise their hands to respond to questions, fearing that their poor performance in the classroom will affect the assessment of the practicing teachers. We sincerely thank the six teachers for sending us desserts, and we wish the six prospective teachers a better career!


May 2, 2024

Students are doing their best to get ready for the big test.


May 2, 2024

Parents of Mainland students took advantage of the 5.1 Golden Week holiday to visit our school to prepare for their children's further studies in Hong Kong.


May 1, 2024

Love at home ..... Fion and Angela have been practicing at the Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall for 8 months. They have been carrying a lot of love, patiently listening to everyone's heart, and accompanying the students to grow up. On the last day, they shared their feelings with each other, sharing the moments of their school life, and wishing both of them to go to the next level in their career.


May 1, 2024

"Life of Glory" Growth Training Workshop


April 29, 2024

Sister School Program Signing Ceremony: Our students at Shishi City Chinese and English Experimental School (Fujian) are eagerly looking forward to exchanging ideas with students from our sister school, building valuable friendships, and working together.


April 28, 2024

On Sunday afternoon, the Head of the Music Department arranged for 40 students, teachers and parents to come to the City Hall to enjoy a music recital, and the Head of the Music Department also played a part in the recital!


April 27, 2024

In the past two years, teachers and students have insisted on practicing every week, and the team members have honed their fighting spirit during the training, and they have a tacit understanding of each other, even though there are countless wounds and the smell of sweat on their bodies, their fighting spirit has not been undermined, and this morning, Niki won the Scholastic Women's Rugby C Bowl once again.


April 26, 2024

Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall The family trained for the Dragon Boat Race at the Hong Kong Yacht Club, with the District Officer of Wan Chai and the Permanent Secretary of the Home Affairs Bureau on hand to cheer them up.

香港中文大學 經濟專題展覽 2024

April 26, 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Economic Exhibition 2024, all Economists of the University participated.


April 25, 2024

Learn Lighting and Shooting Techniques at the Film and Television Academy.


April 25, 2024

The visual arts instructor taught Zen wrapping, and everyone showed off their skills.


April 25, 2024

The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU) Greater Bay Area Social Service Society introduced the opportunities for Hong Kong young people to study and work in the Mainland.


April 23, 2024

Today April 23rd is the World Reading Day, earlier I took a training class in school, the speaker's professional sharing words still ringing in our ears, yesterday while the school holidays, ran three bookstores, and finally found the speaker mentioned this book, this morning I was in the early morning reading session with students, open a bookworm club, sharing the reading experience. This is the session that I am most looking forward to, each person will share 3 minutes, and we will have read 10 books in one session.


April 22, 2024

ViuTV Latitude and Longitude Episode 401, a thought-provoking discussion.


April 21, 2024

Parents' Day + National Security Education (For Parents)


April 20, 2024

Teachers and students were busy with one STEM competition after another! We are all fighting for the will, the courage, and the resourcefulness!

April 19, 2024

From social worker to professor, Mr. Yeung Wing hon, the principal of Confucius Hall Secondary School, never puts down his books.

Link Here


April 17, 2024

Moving to Campus. Good Spirit 4Rs is moving to the museum today.


April 16, 2024

Today, our teacher took us to visit the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences to review the history of Hong Kong in the past hundred years. Hong Kong has gone through many epidemics, but thanks to the elite of the apricot grove to protect the people, who emphasized on the righteousness of the living, and saved the lives of the dead and helped the wounded. There are old surgical equipments in the exhibition hall.


April 16, 2024

The Chief Curator of STEM CLUB introduces the future development projects of our school's creative enterprises to HK01 reporters, and the students' creativity is extraordinary.


April 16, 2024

Principal Dr. Yeung Wing Hon interviewed by HK01 reporter

Now TV

April 15, 2024

Now TV Interview Underway, Teachers and Students Work Together to Win IT Arts Awards. The goal of Academy of Innovation is being realized.


April 15, 2024

We would like to thank the HKADC for continuing to subsidize students to participate in the School Arts Partnership Scheme. Today, Ms. LAM Chi Ki taught 3B students to put on "a good show", which is a simple expression of gratitude, which has to be expressed from the inside out and from the outside in, which is a very difficult task, and the students have their own imaginations, and each of them has their own performance.


April 12, 2024

So nervous! F5 students were fully engaged during the HKADC adjudication.


April 11, 2024

Mr. Cheung Wai Ho and two representatives from the S4 Science Section attended the International Conference on Climate Change at the Chinese University of Hong Kong to have a dialogue with the "Snow Dragon 2" scientists.


April 11, 2024

The last stop of the tour was the Dongjiang Column Memorial Hall in Dongguan, Guangdong. The exhibition hall is located halfway up the mountain, and as we climbed up the stairs, we could feel the original intention of the sages to save the country and the people, and the danger of the martyrs, which was shocking to the eyes.


April 11, 2024

I have just visited the Lin Zexu Museum of Tobacco Sales History and I have a lot of feelings about a sad history in the past.


April 10, 2024

The most enjoyable part of the trip with the principal is ...... This was the first time for the NCS students to visit Fangcun, Shamian and Haizhu districts in Guangzhou. Everything was new to them, and the NCS students tried to communicate with the locals in Cantonese and Putonghua.


April 10, 2024

I'm so excited to see what 5A and the principal will be discussing, so here it is! "Can you get us off the hotel property tonight?"


April 10, 2024

We traveled all the way to Yongqingfang in Guangzhou and didn't want to leave!


April 10, 2024

The principal invited to drink ... ... Pineapple Beer, non-alcoholic.


April 10, 2024

For the first time, we tasted Chinese food in Yangcheng. We mime five words on the spot, namely "羊", "陽", "羊", "楊", and "楊".


April 10, 2024

5A students set foot in Guangdong Province for the first time and looked for historical traces in Shamian, Guangzhou.


April 10, 2024

We are on the high speed train! Principal Yang took us on a two-day and one-night Civic and Social Studies study tour to Dongguan, Guangzhou.


April 9, 2024

Ms. Hau Yee Lan presents to S5 students... Ms. Hau shared her experience in screenwriting with the S5 students.


April 9, 2024

Ramadan is over, which means it’s Eid!!! Eid-ul-fitr is an important festival among Muslims. Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) wishes everyone a Happy Eid and a prosperous year ahead.


April 8, 2024

Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall students show off their culinary skills and talents!


April 8, 2024

After waiting for a long time, we finally have something to play. This time, there is a competition, it's exciting enough!


April 8, 2024

We went to Sai Kung for lunch and took a group photo, not all of us are there! In S3 Home Economics class, 10 students went to the prayer room with the teacher, and I and a few of my colleagues were in charge of taking pictures of them.


April 8, 2024

3A and 3B are aiming for 25 cakes.


April 6, 2024

The school's playground cafeteria became a gathering place for teams from all over the world, with cheers from the audience and a great atmosphere!


April 6, 2024

The real time report: This morning, the principal moved his office to the Hong Kong Stadium across the street from the school, where he and Dermot Agnew, one of the founders of the Rugby Football Union (RFU), watched the game and cheered on the team, bumping into their old friend, the Yun Fook Lung principal.


April 6, 2024

Saturday morning, the moment of struggle, this class is the strength of both guaranteed, teachers and students to prepare for the battle for a long time, today to show all their skills, a showdown.


April 5, 2024

Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall is fully equipped for the Rugby Sevens event. In order to make it easier for players from different countries to play in the stadium, teams from different countries temporarily use the classrooms for breaks and the playground as a temporary dining hall.


April 5, 2024

Early in the morning at 6:30 a.m., the school is very busy and there are rerouting measures in the neighborhood.


April 3, 2024

The Confucius Lecture Hall is under maintenance .


April 2, 2024

Students seized the tail end of Easter vacation and went to Changchun for exchange .


March 29, 2024

It's a pleasure to have friends from afar! The director of the Shandong Museum observes the building of the Confucius Lecture Hall carefully, and the AMO is arranging for the repair work of the Lecture Hall.


March 26, 2024

Today, Mr. Chien Wing-ching, the great-grandson of Mr. Chien Kung-chiu, who donated the land for Confucius Hall, and the curator of the Shandong Museum, together with the staff of the Antiquities and Monuments Office, visited the school and toured the Confucius Hall, which is a Grade I historical monument. The rare encounter between the academics was a great opportunity to discuss the past and present, philosophies, and history, and the topics were endless.


March 25, 2024

Good news one after another, congratulations to Minsha won the Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition Merit Award, the research and development project intelligent food monitoring box, the creation of the concept of "technology and life" and "Healthy food, taste good", how to achieve the preservation of freshness and storage, preservation of nutrients in the two just right, Kam Ka Chun teacher and Minsha two teachers and apprentices to a group of students to collect After countless trails and errors, they finally found out the true meaning of the project. A small award is a great encouragement to students, who have already signed up for a number of scientific research competitions, and teachers and students took advantage of the Easter holiday to practice in secret and become Deadline frighters, the Academy of Innovation lives up to its name.


March 24, 2024

Good news! I met Rex four years ago when I was shooting a school movie. He is kind, helpful and eager to learn, and he deserves this award.


March 24, 2024

Sunday morning, we do not have to worry, not students injured, today there are health care internship activities, the need to use the ambulance for training, Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall to fulfill its social responsibility to open the campus to the use of various organizations, try to make the best use of every space on campus, Sunday, there are five synchronized projects, health care training, sevens rugby tournament pre-construction works, monuments office repair works, RTHK filming, as well as preparation for the DSE Economics Sir tutorials On Sunday, there will be five simultaneous projects: medical training, pre-construction work for the Rugby Sevens, renovation work for the Antiquities and Monuments Office, filming of a special feature for Radio Television Hong Kong, and preparations for the DSE Economy Sir tutorials. ...... I'm sure it's a good idea! Even on Sundays, Economics Sir said that he wanted to accompany F6 students to spend an important moment in their lives, and the teachers and students vowed to strive for excellence without regrets.


March 23, 2024

Saturday morning, great news! Students have advanced in the competition again! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Ng Tat Ming and Mr. Chan Chun Yiu for teaching and nurturing us, and for accompanying us to do the tests after school, with numerous trials and errors.


March 21, 2024

March 21, 2024

Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall teachers and students visited Weihai, Shandong Province, which was also reported on Shandong TV news.

Link Here

March 20, 2024

We are studying Peking Opera in Shandong, and with the permission of our students, the top secret footage has been revealed.

Video Here


March 20, 2024

On the fourth day of the Shandong Weihai Study Tour, teachers and students visited the Guo Yonghuai Museum, where Mr. Guo, a famous applied mathematician and physicist in China, contributed a lot to the development of scientific research in the country. Thanks to the President of Shandong Weihai Clansmen's Association and the organizers of the tour, the Shandong Provincial Government and the various units of the Shandong Provincial Government have arranged historical and cultural learning experiences and high quality hospitality for the students, which made us feel the warmth of the people of Shandong deeply.


March 19, 2024

Visit the Liu Gongdao Sino -Japanese War Memorial Museum and the Sino -Japanese War of the Sino -Japanese War.


March 19, 2024

Get out of the classroom and explore the world.

March 19, 2024

Our family, with excitement, set off to Liugong Island. let's go!

Video Here

March 19, 2024

It was Ms. Wu's second trip to Shandong, but he had a different experience on the trip to Liugong Island.

Video Here


March 19, 2024

In the morning, the teachers and students went to the site of a World War II nursery in Jiedong to learn about the work of wet nurses during the war.

一日之計在於晨 !

March 19, 2024

Morning is the key to a successful day! Teachers and students came out at 6:00 a.m. to watch the sunrise and welcome the morning sun.


March 18, 2024

Teachers and students traveled thousands of miles together, embarking on a marvelous journey to explore the unique beauty of Shandong Weihai.


March 18, 2024

Shandong Weihai Cultural Experience.

Video Here

March 18, 2024

Theater teacher from Yamatoyo instructs S4 students to play tricks, students show up, please teach us more! 

Video Here

Monday morning, 山東威海環翠中學上課,體驗中華文化課堂

March 18, 2024

Monday morning, Shandong Weihai Huan Cui Middle School had a class to experience Chinese culture.


March 17, 2024

Dr. Yeung Wing Hon, President of the school, led the students to visit the Weihai Municipal Government and introduced the history and philosophy of Confucius Hall with Comrade Liu Yubin, Minister of United Front Work.


March 17, 2024

First dinner in Weihai City, first taste of Shandong seafood.


March 17, 2024

Teachers and students of the school talked with officials of the Weihai Municipal People's Government.


March 17, 2024

A group of 30 teachers and students, together with members of the Hong Kong Weihai Clansmen's Association, just arrived in Shandong and started a 5-day/4-night study tour.   


March 17, 2024

On Sunday Morning, Principal Yang took 29 students and teachers to visit our sister school in Weihai, Shandong Province, accompanied by 3 campus reporters, please pay attention to the information on this page.

加開Saturday Morning頻道

March 16, 2024

In response to the public's request, the Saturday Morning Channel was added to allow parents in Guangdong Province to interact with the principal through social media platforms. Today, Principal Yeung gave a talk on "Family Choices: Preparing for Secondary School in Hong Kong", and there was also a talk by alumnus Albert Ho Wai-yee, who shared his study life at the Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall. He was admitted to Form 3 and after studying at the University of Science and Technology, he went to the United Kingdom and recently returned to Hong Kong to continue his studies in environmental protection.

機會難逢! 立即報名!

March 14, 2024

This is a great opportunity! Sign up now!


March 14, 2024

Good News:

Our school's non-Chinese speaking students won the highest honor, the Gold Award and the Most Touching Award, in the Chinese Culture Short Film Production Competition. Teachers Chow Shung Kwan and Lam Rong Ping were invited to share their teaching experiences.

Click Here


March 11, 2024

"Two professors from The Hong Kong University of Education came to our school this morning to lead the learning activities, and with the presence of their masters, all the teachers focused on their studies and talked incessantly.


March 11, 2024

On the Teacher Development Day, professors from the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership of The Hong Kong University of Education guided the team to become "Creative Teachers" by deploying thinking frameworks and learning strategies.


March 8, 2024

Four of our junior high school students received the ATEC (Arts and Technology Education Center) Annual Achievement Excellence Award.


March 7, 2024

Graduation week, a moving moment, the principal: "We're graduating!" 


March 7, 2024

Special thanks to the Hong Kong Arts Development Council's "Schools and Performing Arts Groups Partnership Scheme" for funding the maintenance of the lighting system in the Confucius Hall, so that arts groups and students can have more artistic creations, interactive exchanges and performances. In April, there will be four playwrights and three artists organizing fourteen workshops for Forms 1-5 to satisfy everyone's addiction to the theatre, Confucius Hall, go for it!


March 6, 2024

The old is not gone and the new is not established. It is really difficult to afford the high maintenance fees after the maintenance period of the refrigerator. I can only reluctantly watch my uncle take away the big refrigerator and reluctantly say goodbye. The new refrigerator was delivered in time yesterday afternoon, so students can safely pass around their lunch boxes.

March 4, 2024

From today to May 4th, you must be looking forward to going to school. We have added 8 new family members. They are from the University of Hong Kong and the Education University. They will evaluate, discuss, observe and teach classes with our subject team. The trainee teachers’ New thinking and motivation will inject new energy into the Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall. See you soon!


March 2, 2024

After three years, the Water Supplies Department finally completed the approval process. The Environmental Protection Department sponsored the installation of Watsons smart hot and cold water machines in our school. Today, engineering staff came to introduce the functions of the water machines. The water machines provide ice water and 40 degree Celsius warm water. Everyone should cherish public property.

February 22, 2024

3...2...1, wind sailing activities make your heart beat faster.
Click Here


Important Guests


Ceremony Preparing


The group students of arraignment and connection prepare the ceremony tomorrow positive


The Exhibition of student art works peapare by visual art panel teacher miss Lau


HKDI Info Day 2023: Elderly Services、Rehabilitation Nursing Course intro


HKDI Taster Program and Info Day 2023: Theme: Design and Creativity

Mar 2, 2024

After three years, the Water Supplies Department finally completed the approval process. The Environmental Protection Department sponsored the installation of Watsons smart hot and cold water machines in our school. Today, engineering staff came to introduce the functions of the water machines. The water machines provide ice water and 40 degree Celsius warm water. Everyone should cherish public property.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 歷時三年,水務署2


Feb 29, 2024

The Film and Television Society team worked hard to film the special program "Confucius Hall's Guest Room" prepared by the campus TV station. The problems are acute, so everyone pays close attention to the filming schedule. Coming Soon.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 禮仁會客室2


Feb 28, 2024

Link Here

本頁圖片/檔案 - 擷取


Feb 25, 2024

On the sixteenth day of the lunar month, kapok blooms, and it blooms earlier than usual this year.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 初十六,木棉花綻放


Feb 24, 2024

This morning, Principal Yang and teacher Chen Shujun went to a primary school in Kowloon District to introduce career planning and strategies for entering secondary school to parents from Guangdong Province. Parents attended with their children, and students immediately participated in written tests and interviews to prepare themselves for choosing schools for secondary school.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 今早楊校長和陳樹俊老師到九龍區一間小學


Feb 23, 2024

On behalf of the Confucius Hall Chinese Studies Class, we would like to inform everyone that the new class will be opened due to popular demand.

Interest Class D: Chinese Ink Painting (Landscape 2)

Instructor: Ms. Zhou Caiyan Classes start on April 6, 2024

Class dates: 6/4, 13/4, 20/4, 27/4, 4/5, 11/5, 18/5 and 25/5, a total of 8 classes

Class time: 4:15 to 5:45 (Saturday afternoon)

Tuition: $800 (8 classes)

If you are interested in participating, please register as soon as possible Registration forms are available at the Academy of Innovation - Confucius Hall and the Literary and Art Center on Wing Kat Street, Sheung Wan. (Students of this Chinese studies class or calligraphy and painting class can register directly with monitor Lin, no need to submit another registration form)

本頁圖片/檔案 - 代孔聖堂國學班通知大家


Feb 22, 2024

3...2...1, wind sailing activities make your heart beat faster.

Link Here


Feb 17, 2024

On the eighth day of the lunar calendar, this afternoon, Principal Yang and alumnus Jessica met through a video conference with more than 20,000 parents from Guangdong Province to share the challenges of studying in Hong Kong. Jessica is studying in her second year at the University of Hong Kong and moved to Hong Kong from the mainland that year. After entering Form 5, she overcame various difficulties and was carefully nurtured by three English teachers. She achieved excellent results in the Diploma of Secondary Education Examination and entered the University of Hong Kong. Jessica encourages everyone as a person who has experienced it.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 今午楊校長和校友Jessica透過視像會議


Feb 17, 2024

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the kapok tree blooms.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 年初八,木棉樹開花


Feb 4, 2024

"Welcome together to welcome the Year of the Dragon" Poon Choi Yan, with the support of the school supervisor, principal, and alumni, it was a smooth success. Thank you everyone for attending despite your busy schedule! I am especially grateful to Mr. Huangfu for taking the time to invite director Li Lichi, famous filmmaker Tian Qiwen, and famous police painter Professor Zhong Jianxin to come! Let the usually cautious and serious principals also become active! At the same time, I would also like to thank my colleagues in the photography industry for their support! It not only added a lively atmosphere to the whole Poon Choi Yan event, but also left us with beautiful photos! Director Li even sent out aerial photography to capture every beautiful and happy moment of the party! I hope this event can bring meaningful exchanges and inspiration to all of us. I sincerely wish you all a great time.

Link Here


Feb 3, 2024

The football team BaDa is looking forward to meeting Metz and Beckham up close, and it would be even better if they could shake hands.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 足球隊巴打期待和美斯


Feb 3, 2024

Performing arts and cultural circles gather together

本頁圖片/檔案 - 演藝、文化界聚首一堂


Feb 3, 2024

There were so many people having dinner together, and aerial photography was taken to capture the whole family. It was such a big battle!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 咁多人一齊開飯,出動航拍先影到全家幅


Feb 3, 2024

The school superintendent, principal, teachers and students, parents and alumni celebrate the festival together as a family.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 校監、校長、師生、家長、校友一家人團年做節


Feb 2, 2024

In order to let students know the Chinese quintessence of Go, the Chinese Culture Week held a Go piece-eating contest. Students from different grades and nationalities enthusiastically signed up to participate and showed off their skills on the chessboard. Students who did not participate also gathered outside to support the contestants.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 為了讓同學認識國粹圍棋,


Feb 2, 2024

On the last day of Chinese Culture Week, Assistant Professor Turner Kelvin James of Baptist University was invited to explain to the students how foreigners can understand Confucius’ thoughts, and they benefited a lot.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 中華文化周最後一日邀請了浸會大學助理教授Turner Kelvin James向學


Jan 31, 2024

Thank you to the teachers and students from the friendly schools for visiting the Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall). The teachers and students participated in the Chinese Culture Week booth activities together, had professional exchanges, and benefited a lot.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 感謝友校師生到訪孔聖堂禮仁書院


Jan 31, 2024

Highlights from Chinese Culture Week

Link Here


Jan 30, 2024

Thanks to the One Table and Two Chairs Charity Foundation for organizing the Cantonese opera performance of "Dismantling Excerpts", "Three minutes on stage, ten years of work off stage". The female actress was stunning, and her martial arts skills were breathtaking. The students held their breath and watched every change of the actress' movements. Xiaosheng is an excellent singer, he is a ghost, but he pretends to be a ghost, but his upper body is broken due to cross-eyes. Sister Dai Jin's thirteen o'clock accent is in tune with the style, hard on the outside but soft on the inside, and the dialogue contains hidden sounds. The two young artists sang and harmonized, their dialogues were exquisite, and they burst into laughter from time to time. Many students said that they had never watched Cantonese opera live and it was a rare opportunity.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 感謝一桌兩椅慈善基金策劃「拆拆折子戲」粵劇演出


Jan 29, 2024

Practice martial arts with the master

本頁圖片/檔案 - 跟師傅習武


Jan 29, 2024

Chinese Culture Week...Shaolin Kung Fu

本頁圖片/檔案 - 中華文化周......少林功夫


Jan 27, 2024

The gong is on!

Date: January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:30 am

Venue: Confucius and Saints Lecture Hall

Program name: Demolition Excerpts

Cantonese Opera Actors: Zhang Zhaolun, Wu Minting

Drama actors: Zhao Zhanxi, Deng Baicong, Zeng Muchue (performed by One Table Two Chairs Charity Fund)

Alumni and parents are welcome to attend

Special thanks: Sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council


Jan 27, 2024

Director Xian Qiran instructs students on editing techniques.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 冼杞然導演指導學生剪接片段技巧。


Jan 27, 2024

Senior Brother Lo Yiu Fong and the four Greater Bay Area Ambassadors of our school arrived at the Innoport of the Chinese University of Hong Kong early in the morning to discuss with several doctors the filming of the special episode in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The subsequent editing work was quickly completed.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 羅姚芳師兄和本校四位大灣區大使一早到香港中文大學Innoport


Jan 27, 2024

Teachers and students of the Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) have super perseverance! Early in the morning, teacher Chan Chun Yiu and the Form 1 students gathered together to participate in the Hong Kong Youth Mathematics Elite Selection Competition at Minsheng College on Hong Kong Island. The goal of this 4-person team is to represent Hong Kong participates in international competitions. Come on, three top academics!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 禮仁師生,毅力超強 !


Jan 26, 2024

Mainland parents and their children visited the Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall), communicated with Principal Yang, learned about the school’s curriculum features and plans for further studies, and prepared for their children to enroll in Hong Kong.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 內地家長和子女參觀禮仁書院


Jan 25, 2024

The "citrus" star shines brightly, handicraft workshop students add joy to the New Year.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 「桔」星拱照


Jan 24, 2024

In the cold weather, have a warm lunch in Room 204.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 嚴寒天氣下


Jan 24, 2024

The weather is very cold. We are concerned about the needs of teachers and students. Please remember to wear warm clothes and take good care of yourself.

Link Here


Jan 20, 2024

This year’s Parents’ Day also coincides with a competition at the stadium.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 今年家長日又遇上大球場有球賽


Jan 20, 2024

Auditorium design + band performance, really amazing!

Link Here


Jan 19, 2024

F.1 Visual Art Exhibition

本頁圖片/檔案 - 中一級視藝作品展


Jan 18, 2024

Teachers of the visual arts department are preparing for Parents' Day on January 20. The theme this time is "Visual courtesy" and students have created their own check-in slots. There will be "Every Family Tea Party" and CityLab's "Parent Effectiveness Training Workshop" on Saturday morning. See you there.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 視藝科老師正在為1月20日家長日做準備


Jan 16, 2024

Students from Form One to Form Five went to the Ko Shan Theater to participate in the "Cantonese Opera Education Workshop" organized by the Pat Wo Association. In addition to enjoying Cantonese opera, they also stepped onto the stage to "horseback ride" and interact.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 今日下午將課室移師到高山劇場


Jan 15, 2024

This afternoon, the classroom was moved to the Ko Shan Theater. Secondary 1 to 5 students participated in a workshop hosted by the Pat Wo Association. Let’s watch some of our friends make their debut, singing, dancing, chanting, and fighting.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 今日下午將課室移師到高山劇場2


Jan 15, 2024

本頁圖片/檔案 - 校友會


Jan 12, 2024

It was not easy to gather 12 classes to take a family photo. Everyone ran around on several hills to play, and only 6 photos on the left were taken together. Unexpectedly, the temperature was as high as 21 degrees Celsius during the winter trip in January. As we were leaving, we had an adventure. We met the 15th class alumni at 7:00 in the morning. This time the alumni lived up to their reputation and passed on the fire. They gave us the preheated charcoal stove to continue the BBQ. The interesting stories of the brothers and sisters could write a book. ​

本頁圖片/檔案 - 要召集12班影一張全家福真係唔容易


Jan 12, 2024

There has been no school trip in four years. At 7 o'clock in the morning, several male teachers had already delivered barbecue supplies to Clear Water Bay Country Park. Carrying heavy barbecue charcoal and drinks, they walked along the long slopes and stone steps for each class. At least one stove was in use. During this period, we had to make many fires and set up fires for everyone. We reminded students to cherish food and keep the place clean. We are grateful to have a group of enthusiastic teachers who silently contribute to the students and accompany everyone to grow. This year, the principal sponsored seafood ingredients, and colleagues went to Saigon to pick them up in person, and teachers and students shared them. It was amazing!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 4年沒有辦學校旅行


Jan 11, 2024

Professor Ruan Zhaohui explained the origins of Nanyin, which was wonderful

本頁圖片/檔案 - 阮兆輝教授娓娓道出南音源流


Jan 10, 2024

"It's such a joy to have friends from far away!" Principals and teachers from more than a dozen kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Hubei Province visited the Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) to learn about the school's educational philosophy and curriculum features, and to talk to each other about their teaching work. People walked around the Confucius Lecture Hall and the check-in area, and spent a very meaningful afternoon together.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 湖北十多所幼稚園


Jan 9, 2024

"Talking about the Ancients. Talk about today. "Speaking of Nanyin"

We sincerely invite all alumni and parents to come to the Confucius-Sheng Lecture Hall at 10:10 am on January 11, 2024 (Thursday) to appreciate "Talking about Ancient Times." Talk about today. "Talking about Nanyin", taught by Nanyin artist Professor Ruan Siu Fai, and accompanied by lively performances by professional musicians, brought live singing full of charm. Storyteller Tsang Muxue also led the audience to understand the basic structure of Nanyin and Cantonese tones in a lively and lively way. Appreciate the rich creativity and emotional expression of Guangdong's rap art, thereby revitalizing Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage. (This event is funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s “Schools and Arts Groups Partnership Scheme”)


Jan 9, 2024

"There is poetry and literature in my heart," a teacher encourages students to read more and sets up a floating library outside the teacher's room.

Link Here


Jan 7,2024

During the competition, 4,000 contestants from the school came to the Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) to compete in the past two days, and the Caroline Trail was very busy.

Link Here


Jan 7, 2024

Since yesterday morning, the editor has found at least 300 posts related to Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) on different social platforms. In the past two days, an organization has borrowed the school building. A total of 4,000 mathematics masters gathered at Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) to compete. We have fully opened the classrooms and auditoriums., students, come on!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 數理高手雲集禮仁書院比試


Jan 3, 2024

"Love, Care and Growth" The winning film of the 4th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Life Education Cultural Creativity (Microfilm) Competition (third prize in the high school category). Special thanks to the team led by teacher Ng Tat Ming for the production. The principal personally went to shoot the film, which is full of sincerity. 

Link Here

本頁圖片/檔案 - 「愛、關懷與成長」


Jan 1, 2024

Welcome 2024 and take further steps

本頁圖片/檔案 - 迎接2024


Dec 29, 2023

A special collection of congratulatory messages for the 70th anniversary of Confucius Hall Secondary School. Special thanks to Teacher Wu Daming for leading the team in producing this.

Link Here


Dec 29, 2023

Look for the footprints of the past and review the changes of Confucius Hall Secondary School in the past 50 years.

Link Here


Dec 21, 2023

ViuTV Law and Love was filmed at Confucius Hall Secondary School.

本頁圖片/檔案 - ViuTV 法與情在孔聖堂中學取景


Dec 21, 2023

Teacher Ng Tat Ming led the team to participate in the micro-film creation competition and won the third prize. The award was presented by Professor Shi Zhongmou, executive director of the World Chinese Teaching Society, academic member of the National Chinese Language Association and consultant of the Chinese Language Modernization Society.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 微電影創作比賽獲三等獎


Dec 20, 2023

The finale featured 6B Disney friends, and Sumna led a group of 3A, 4A, 5A, and 6A students to perform, and the ratings soared by 100%.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 6B迪士尼


Dec 20, 2023

Academy of Innovation Confucius Hall Student Union Cabinet Harmony showed family spirit with all the students.

Link Here



Dec 18, 2023

Auction Highlights: We are kind-hearted people who have good hearts, and every piece of art is of great collection value. Dear students, you must keep in mind the thoughts of all the brothers, "Know your kindness but be careful not to forget it", and pass on the love.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 拍賣花絮


Dec 18, 2023

There is a happy event in Confucius Hall's family, and Chen Yufei strives to reach the top and achieves many successes.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 禮仁家有喜事,陳予飛力爭上游,屢創佳績


Dec 18, 2023

Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall), a place for young people to pursue their dreams... "When you were in Form 4, you told the editor that your dream was to become a singer-songwriter. The editor was moved by your true feelings. At that moment, I The editor has no hesitation in recommending you to apply for the Upstream Star Scholarship. In the past two years, you have fulfilled your promise, participated in various competitions, accumulated experience, and won numerous awards. The good news came during the school anniversary dinner. Congratulations to Chen Yufei for standing out in the competition."



Link Here


Dec 17, 2023

CLP 中電


中電感人小故事 傳遞關愛訊息


Dec 17, 2023

The principal treats his students as his own children. The door of the principal's office on the second floor is always open and he has taken good care of them for the past five years. Two classmates shared their daily life with the principal on the stage.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 校長爸爸視學生如親子女


Dec 17, 2023

Live coverage - Dr. Yang Yonghan, principal of Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall), gave a speech at the (Greater Bay Area) Hong Kong Education Exhibition.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 現場直擊 - 孔聖堂禮仁書院校長楊永漢博士於(大灣區)


Dec 17, 2023

Confucius Hall Secondary School new mileage

本頁圖片/檔案 - 禮仁新里程


Dec 17, 2023

My sincere thanks to all the alumni, parents and guests who attended. With your support, the 70th Anniversary Dinner of can be a success. Old classmates chatted with each other about their current situation, and the guests had an in-depth understanding of the development of the school. Thanks to the sponsorship of many school directors, students can Have a goal to realize your potential and work hard to get the opportunity to attend the dinner. The alumni of are full of talents, including the famous painter Liao Shiqiang, artist Chen Guofeng, arboriculture expert Liu Weilong, and senior Zhao Jionghui. Your struggles have moved us. The team of young teachers have put in a lot of effort into this work and considered every detail. They hope that everyone can retain memories and pass on the family love of . Everyone should keep in touch.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 衷心感謝一眾校友、家長和賓客出席,有您們的支持


Dec 16, 2023

Confucius Hall Secondary School 60th Annual Graduation and Award Ceremony

本頁圖片/檔案 - 孔聖堂中學第60屆周年畢業暨頒獎典禮


Dec 15, 2023

The principal and teachers of Wenchuan Middle School in Sichuan visited the fifth-grade middle school to observe classes.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 四川汶川中學校長、老師到中五級觀課


Dec 15, 2023

A feast of courtesy and benevolence.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 禮仁盛宴


Dec 15, 2023

See you tomorrow night at Maxim’s Palace, Shun Tak Center, Sheung Wan

本頁圖片/檔案 - 明晚,上環信德中心美心皇宮見



Dec 15, 2023

Warmly welcome the management of our sister school Sichuan Wenchuan Middle School to visit the school.



Dec 14, 2023

Warmly welcome Sichuan Wenchuan Middle School to visit and entertain friends from far away at dinner.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 熱烈歡迎四川汶川中學到訪


Dec 12,2023

Everyone: Book the 70th Anniversary Meal Voucher of Payment method (1) Confucius Hall Secondary School. Transfer: Hang Seng Bank 293-287-116-001 (please send the photo of the deposit slip to 60793692 via Whatsapp, and the staff will reply and verify that the payment has been received) ( 2) Alipay 60195796 (Please send the debit record to 60793692 via Whatsapp, and the staff will reply and verify that the payment has been received)

本頁圖片/檔案 - 預訂孔聖堂中學70周年校慶餐券付款方法


Dec 12, 2023

Questions and answers about the school anniversary dinner.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 校慶晚宴您問我答


Dec 11, 2023

Confucianism is combined with modern education to cultivate students with both moral talent and talent.

Link Here

本頁圖片/檔案 - 儒家思想結合現代教育_培養道德才華兼備學生


Dec 10, 2023

Interest Class B - Chinese Ink Painting (Landscape) Class will start on January 13, 2024. If you want to participate, please register as soon as possible.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 興趣B班-中國水墨畫(山水)班


Dec 9, 2023

Fulfill your civic responsibilities and vote together.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 齊投票


Dec 8, 2023



Dec 8, 2023

Shandong Sister School Project and Li-Confucius Tour



Dec 7, 2023

Tree planting commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Confucius Hall Secondary School



Dec 7, 2023

The 70th anniversary school magazine of Confucius Hall Secondary School is on sale to the public, with a hot selling price of HK$100, and an additional HK$30 for local mail or SF Express.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 孔聖堂中學70周年校刋公開發售


Dec 5, 2023

The principal led a trip to Jining Confucius School for academic and cultural exchanges and students’ speeches and performances. The principal spoke to local high school students and interacted with local principals and officials.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 校長帶領前往濟寧孔子學校


Dec 4, 2023

Principal Yang and Director Chen presided over the apprenticeship ceremony, and the students dressed in traditional costumes performed the apprenticeship ceremony in the lecture hall.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 穿著古裝在講堂內進行了拜師禮1


Dec 4, 2023

Medical institutions send nurses to schools to inject flu vaccines for all students.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 2023-12-04 流感疫苗注射


Dec 3, 2023

Visit the Qufu Confucius Institute, experience being a Confucius student in ancient costume, and learn about Confucius’ thoughts and ideas.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 2023-12-03到訪曲阜孔子研究院2


Dec 3, 2023

On Sunday, during the trip to Shandong, this morning a group of people climbed to the top of Mount Tai, the first of the Five Mountains. They were even lucky enough to encounter the snow scene. The students were very excited.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 2023-12-03山東交流團2


Dec 2, 2023

Mailed a set of souvenirs to an alumnus of Kong Shengtang Primary School who is overseas. I carelessly swapped the letters and numbers. After a 7-day journey, the alumnus received it!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 郵寄紀念品


Dec 2, 2023

This morning we will visit the national 5A-level scenic spot, the best spring in the world, Baotu Spring, Black Tiger Spring and Daming Lake.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 前往國家5A級景區


Dec 1, 2023

Sister school project, Shandong trip, arrived safely!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 姊妹學校計劃山東團


Dec 1, 2023


本頁圖片/檔案 - 70週年特刊


Nov 30, 2023

The editor and eight colleagues came to the restaurant to inspect the scene, test the film and television effects.
本頁圖片/檔案 - 酒樓視察場地

Nov 30, 2023

Three high school students still had the courage to take on challenges during school examinations. They took the time to practice and participate in this year's Hong Kong Inter-school Recitation Festival (Chinese), and received excellent results under the review of Professor Shi Zhongmou. Congratulations!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 香港學校校際朗誦節


Nov 29, 2023

Confucius Hall Secondary School 70th Anniversary Special Issue

本頁圖片/檔案 - 孔聖堂中學七十周年校慶特刋


Nov 29, 2023

2023-2024 First Teacher Development Day

本頁圖片/檔案 - 2023-2024第一次教師發展日


Nov 28, 2023

My heartfelt thanks to Dr. Yip Chi-siu, the principal of Minsheng College, for inviting the Chinese teachers of our school to have professional exchanges and learn about Chinese food culture with the teachers, students and parents of the school.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 民生書院校長葉志兆博士邀請本校中文科老師作專業交流


Nov 27, 2023

The menu and seating chart for the dinner on December 16th (try to arrange it according to the alumni’s wishes), see you there!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 晚宴菜單和座位表


Nov 25, 2023

I sincerely thank the fifth batch of alumni for their full support of the 70th anniversary of Kong Shengtang Middle School. Your spirit of unity is the driving force of our team. Alumni from the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000 have successively reserved meal tickets, and many school directors have participated. Meal vouchers donated by charity will be reserved for students who have outstanding performance in this exam to attend the dinner to celebrate the 70th Platinum Jubilee. The editor and colleagues are redoubling their efforts to contact alumni and old teachers. Students who are taking exams, please study carefully and do your best without regrets.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 第五屆校友鼎力支持孔聖堂中學七十周年校慶


Nov 23, 2023

Wish List: Which alumni do you most want to meet at the 70th anniversary dinner of Confucius Hall Secondary School?

本頁圖片/檔案 - 願望清單 孔聖堂中學70周年校慶晚宴,你最想見到哪一屆校友?


Nov 22, 2023

Wish List Dear Alumni: Which teacher do you most want to meet at the 70th anniversary dinner of Confucius Hall Secondary School?

本頁圖片/檔案 - 願望清單 各位校友:請問在孔聖堂中學7O周年校慶晚宴上你最想見到哪一位老師


Nov 20, 2023

Huancuiinternational Middle school. Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) Forms An Alliance With

The Management Of The Two Schools Have Video 
Meeting And Signing Ceremony.
本頁圖片/檔案 - 孔聖堂禮仁書院與山東威海市環翠中學結盟
Nov 18, 2023

Our School's Non Chinese Student Speaking Chinese Debate Team Has Gone Through Three Rounds Of Competition. Finally, Won The Runner-Up In The Non Chinese Student Speaking Chinese Debate Competition. Ahssan Won The Best Debater At Tow Comptition Congratulations!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 2023-11-17全港非華語辯論比賽亞軍


Nov 17, 2023

Shining Good Moining,Student Don't Want Go Back Classroom.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 早上清風送爽


Nov 16, 2023

Miss So Sharing The Topic Perseverance On The Assembly

本頁圖片/檔案 - 周會分享


Nov  15,2023

NanYin Artist Professer Yuan Siu Fai Will Come To Our School Have A Interactive NanYin Class.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 南音藝術家阮兆輝教授將蒞臨本校親身講授《講古. 講今. 講南音》互動課堂


Nov 11, 2023

The Direct Teather Of Chinese Mr Chow Lead The Non Chinese Student Debate Team To Join the 2nd Cantonese Debate Compition For Ethnic Minorities.They Enter The Semi Final And Have A Compition With Tranditional Storng Team.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 周淳鈞老師領軍非華語辯論隊,幾位學霸參加由香港大學及Link Center舉辦的全港非華語辯論比賽


Nov 9,  2023

The Most Importent Of  Need To Pay Attention Of Feel. Said By Tutor Of Coffe, This Student Ask For Advice Humbly.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 虚心討教


Nov 9, 2023

The Student Admin Group Invite Fettie_Coffe Hold A Coffe Workshop For The Student.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 約定「啡徒」一齊玩團課堂2


Nov 7,2023

Fearless Dragon Trail Run

Fearless Dragon Trail Run 猛龍越野跑 | Hong Kong Hong Kong | Facebook


Nov  6, 2023

HKNPIS Hold The Fearless Dragon Trail Run.


Nov  5, 2023

Superintendent Sponsoship Our Teather And Student Join The Fearless Dragon Trail Run,  They Won The Champion And Running-Up.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 2023-11-05猛龍越野跑


Nov 4, 2023

F.5B Have 8 Student Join The DSS Secondery School Tour In Kawloon Shangri-La Hotel, They Introducing The School Life.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 直資中學巡禮


Nov 2, 2023

Visual Art Students Made The Sourvenir Of 70th School Anniversary AndSending Blessing For The Good People.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 視藝科學生為70周年校慶製作


Nov 1, 2023

Meal Coupons For The 70th Anniversary Dinner Are On Sale To The Public.
For The Details,Enquiries 25763415(Miss Lam) Or 6079 3692 (WhatsApp)

本頁圖片/檔案 - 70周年校慶_1本頁圖片/檔案 - 70周年校慶_2


Oct  31, 2023

The First Event Of Student Union Harmony,Helloween Costume Contest.Thank You Miss So Preparing For The Event

本頁圖片/檔案 - Halloween造型大賽

We are family

本頁圖片/檔案 - We are family禮仁這一家


Oct  30, 2023

Prinsiple Yeung Visit Shan Ton With A Group Of Prinsiple .

本頁圖片/檔案 - 校長楊永漢博士與一眾校長到訪山東,並與教育團體和學者交流。


There Are Singing Contest Eveny Week,Very Busy.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 397315781_817875927012387_2721245032936209760_n


Oct  25, 2023

County Magistrate, People's Government of Weishan County, Shandong Province, Director of Jining Municipal Commerce Bureau And Many Representatives From the Academic Community Visited The School.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 簽約


Academy of Innovation (Confucius Hall) Forms An Alliance With Jining Confucius School.Students Of Both  School

Can Have More Exchange Opportunities Through The Sister School Program.
本頁圖片/檔案 - 簽約2


Oct  22, 2023

Warm Congratulations To Chen Yufei from Class 6B For Winning The Farm Music 2023 Championship.

本頁圖片/檔案 - Farm Music2023


Oct 21, 2023

Descendants Of Confucius And Academics Gather Together On Confucianism Forum

本頁圖片/檔案 - 20231021儒學論壇4

Dr. Ling Youshi, Hong Kong Representative to the National People’s Congress Encourage Students To Hold Onto Ideal.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 港區全國人大代表凌友詩博士勉勵同學

Ready For The Confucianism Forum

本頁圖片/檔案 - 20231021儒學論壇2


Oct 20, 2023

Principal Yeung Attend The Opening Ceremony of  "Research Project on Teaching Development of Morality, 
Affection and Classical Poetry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area"

本頁圖片/檔案 - 10_20


Oct 18, 2023

Where We Go By Bus?

本頁圖片/檔案 - 18-10-23_2

"Knock Knock Memory" Sponsors Students From Our School To Take A Bus Tour To Historical Sites Thank You The Preperation of Miss Lau.本頁圖片/檔案 - 18-10-23_1


Oct 17, 2023

Well Sprit Busking Noon Event

本頁圖片/檔案 - 好精神busking


Oct 16, 2023

Principal Yueng Represented The School At The Jinyuan Rice Warehouse In Tsing Yi To Attend The Award Ceremony

本頁圖片/檔案 - 16-10-23


A Group Of Principals Of Primary And Secondary Schools unite their strength Let’s do good Deed together.



Oct  14, 2023

Teachers and students filmed a realistic documentary at the Zhuhai Youth Incubation Center. The Documentary will Broadcast on RTHK.


本頁圖片/檔案 - 14-10-23_1

Saturday, Classroom@Zhuhai Youngs Of Innovation And Techlology Professisonal From HK And Macao visiting ZhuHai.
本頁圖片/檔案 - 14-10-23_2


Oct 13, 2023

Four Form 5 and 6 students handed over their second wish list to the editor, taking on a difficult challenge: See me fly in the sky!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 向高難度挑戰A wish list given to the editor by students: "I want to get out of the classroom and try new things." The editor's mission must be achieved. Four classmates, Let's go!

本頁圖片/檔案 - 我想走出課室,有新嘗試


Oct 12, 2023

F.5 Student Have A Interview with The Macau Lisboa Hotel Housekeeper.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 專訪澳門葡京人酒店女管家

Students Follow Director Xian Qiran And The Film Crew Visited Macao And Zhuhai For Interview Scholars.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 學生跟隨冼杞然導演及攝製隊到澳門、珠海訪問學者


Oct 10, 2023

Principal Yeung And CUHK Principal Dr Chan Wai Yee Have A interview At Metro Radio.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 楊校長與香港中文大學副校長陳偉儀教授到新城電台做訪問

Metro Radio Broadcasting The Interview On Facebook

本頁圖片/檔案 - 新城電台Facebook直播校長訪問

Oct 4, 2023

The Class Of Ease Sketching

本頁圖片/檔案 - 悠閒寫生


Sept 30, 2023

Confucius Hall Was Invited By The Government To Plan A Drone Session. We Create A Wonderful Scene Above Wan Chai.

Facebook Link


The Commerce Trade And Economic Development

Bureau Invites The Director,Former School Supervisor And Principal Attended Of Confucius Hall "Seaside Night Tour" Opening Ceremony.

本頁圖片/檔案 - 「海濱夜遊坊」開幕禮

Noon12:00,37'c, let's not stop our Liren Family Celebrating The Mid-Autumn Festival.

共用圖片/檔案 - 383950459_796187865847860_8085032972972063958_n


Sept 28, 2023

Sport Day Will Encounter Strong Opponents This Year. Spical Thank You For The Photo Shooting Of Mr Ng And Miss Liu 

共用圖片/檔案 - 383979079_795534615913185_6938485956680033886_n

Good morning class, Today Class At Aberdeen Sport Centra

共用圖片/檔案 - 香港仔運動場


July  11, 2023

Visit St. Teresa'sv Hospital School of Nursing

共用圖片/檔案 - Visit St. Teresa's Hospital School of Nursing

Visit CLP_InnovationHub

共用圖片/檔案 - CLP_InnovationHub_Visit

Fashion Design Expirence Day

共用圖片/檔案 - IMG_4899

July  10, 2023

Dismissal Ceremony

共用圖片/檔案 - 20230710 散學禮

July  09, 2023

Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Visit

共用圖片/檔案 - Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Visit

July  03, 2023

Visit Work Place Hong Kong Industry Council

共用圖片/檔案 - 探訪工作場地 HKCI 2023-07-03

Visit Work Place Pet Grooming

共用圖片/檔案 - 探訪工作場地(寵物美容)

June 27, 2023

HKDI New Fashion Force Show 2023

共用圖片/檔案 - IMG_0378

June 19, 2023

InspiringHK Yoga Workshop

共用圖片/檔案 - 0619「凝動」六月工作坊(瑜伽體驗)

June 10, 2023

Fly Togeter,Bloom With Splendor

共用圖片/檔案 - 20230610一起飛,綻放異彩2

June 10, 2023

Love & Peace Summer Fair

共用圖片/檔案 - 20230610「共融.一路起」活動

June 08, 2023

F.1Female Students  Advanced To The Rugby Open.

共用圖片/檔案 - 中一小妮子集訓半年,在欖球公開賽晉級

June 05, 2023

Teacher Development Day

共用圖片/檔案 - 第三次教師發展日

May 31, 2023

Good Job Day

共用圖片/檔案 - 350805426_618625490211385_316959195286364532_n

May 30, 2023

Secondary School Bridge Association Teacher-Student Alumni Competition

共用圖片/檔案 - 202360610參加中學橋牌協會師生校友賽

May 24, 2023

STEM Week And STEM Soical Competition

共用圖片/檔案 - 20230524STEM社際比賽

共用圖片/檔案 - STEM WEEK

May 23, 2023

Hanfu experience
共用圖片/檔案 - Hanfu experience

Xiamen Chuan Zhou Sister School Exchange plan

共用圖片/檔案 - 厦門姊妹學校交流合照

共用圖片/檔案 - 厦門姊妹學校交流計劃

May 22, 2023

Teacher Liu Tez luo, the head of the Visual Arts Department of our school, was invited to attend the "Knock Knock Memory" lecture to share practical experience.

共用圖片/檔案 - 敲敲記憶

共用圖片/檔案 - 敲敲記憶

Xiamen Chuan Zhou Sister School Exchange trip

共用圖片/檔案 - Xiamen Chuan Zhou Sister School Exchange trip

May 19, 2023

Our school’s Charity Youth League participated in the Wan Chai District theme activity competition
Team members won gold medals.1B LEUNG SHINGFUNGwas elected as "Outstanding School League Member"

共用圖片/檔案 - 灣仔區主題活動比賽

May 15, 2023

Mr. Li Yaonan is responsible for the reconstruction of Wenchuan Middle School.He is from Kaiping, Guangdong.
His kind heart and good deeds deserve our respect and learning from him, and the spirit of great love!
共用圖片/檔案 - 李耀南先生

May 14, 2023

Knock On Memory Work Shop

共用圖片/檔案 - 「敲敲記憶」工作坊2

Teather and student Visit the Wenchuan Earthquake Site

共用圖片/檔案 - 訪汶川大地震遺址3

Teather and student visit Sichuan

共用圖片/檔案 - 20230514汶川行

共用圖片/檔案 - 20230514汶川行

May 13, 2023

Viu TV came to school to film new drama
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230513Viu TV到校拍攝

May 11, 2023

Moss Bonsai Ecological Workshop

共用圖片/檔案 - 230511 青苔生態盆景工作坊

May 09, 2023

"Knock Knock Memories" Art Technology and Culture Education Project

共用圖片/檔案 - 230504 「敲敲記憶」藝術科技及文化教育計劃

Sichuan trip
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230511-14Sichuan trip四川交流團
May 10, 2023
F.1 visual arts students filmed a promotional video for an NGO to introduce the new curriculum

共用圖片/檔案 - 20230510中一級視藝科學生為一間NGO拍攝宣傳片,向大家介紹新課程
May 08, 2023
Hong Kong Construction Association Youth Club x Hong Kong Repertory Theater Tour "Building a Love Nest"
共用圖片/檔案 - 香港話劇團巡迴演出《築出個愛巢》
May 06, 2023
Share how to choose a high school with mainland parents
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230506和內地家長分享升中選校攻略
May 04, 2023

Healthy @
Confucius Hall Secondary School Workshop
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230504 營健@孔記工作坊
May 02, 2023
Fun Maths Game
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230502 趣味科學比賽
April 28, 2023

Education Bureau professional training
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230428教育局專業培訓
April 27, 2023
Student visit THEi
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230427 THEi 深度行
2023 dodge disk training
共用圖片/檔案 - 2023躲避盤訓練

April 24, 2023
F.5 students visit the Commercial Press
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230426中五級同學參觀商務印書館
April 23, 2023
International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230423國際數學奧林匹克公開賽
April 22, 2023
Saturday parents day
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230422 Saturday 親子日

April 18, 2023
Awards of Huaxia Cup and  Math Concept Mathematical Thinking Classroom 
共用圖片/檔案 - 華夏盃、Math Concept 數學思維教室獎項
world reading day
共用圖片/檔案 - IMG_20230418_114206
April 14, 2023
Visit the International Innovation and Technology Exhibition
共用圖片/檔案 - 340643794_1410590266377687_119757157305899590_n
Rugby 7, 明年再見
共用圖片/檔案 - Rugby 7, 明年再見
共用圖片/檔案 - 本校招待來自世界各地的欖球精英
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230331師生睇國際七人欖球賽事
Good morning class, 今日授課對象是老......老......老師,探討問題極具爭議,教師踴躍發表意見。國際七人欖球賽開始了,加路連山道有人流管制措施,今天只限老師回校培訓,各位同學下午只能在校門集合,Go Go Go ,全校校師生一齊入場觀看Rugby賽事。
共用圖片/檔案 - 20230331 教師發展日
Alan 校監和單車隊香港代表訪校,與中四、中五級學生暢談奮鬥經歷,師兄只係三分鐘演出,同學大開眼界。
共用圖片/檔案 - 單車隊香港代表訪校
法國博物館館長Lintz 參觀孔聖講堂,簡永楨先生和楊校長講解講堂歷史和建築特色
共用圖片/檔案 - 法國博物館館長Lintz 參觀孔聖講堂
考考大家記憶,人物、時間、地點 ? 首位答中者可獲70周年校慶餐券兩張。
共用圖片/檔案 - 考考大家記憶
藝發局學校夥伴計劃,今日大家學劇本創作,今次由候亦嵐女士指導大家如角揣摩角色,寫出真感情,從多維角度創作,要寫出一段感人和大家共鳴場景真是高難度,26位同學為作者西西筆下的小魚重塑耳目一新的形象,重新賦予「小魚」新生命,題材大膽。4B本色 - 語不驚人,誓不休
共用圖片/檔案 - 加路連山道Selfie熱點
可能是 2 人、大家站著和室內的圖像
2023年 3月16日
可能是 5 人和大家站著的圖像
可能是 3 人、大家站著、紀念碑和戶外的圖像
2023年 3月14日
可能是 3 人、大家站著、紀念碑和戶外的圖像 
2023年 3月13日
2023年 3月11日
We are family
共用圖片/檔案 - We are family !
2023年 3月10日
2023年 3月9日
2023年 3月8日
可能是 3 人、大家站著、室內和顯示的文字是「中戲 中戲 史曲 せ 曲」的圖像
得蒙美國奧林匹克數學競賽國家隊教練Prof. Po 訪校,2A學生越級挑戰Prof.Po,一小時課堂鬥智、鬥勇、鬥謀,互問互答環節非常精彩,原來數學堂可以咁好玩!校監温偉麟先生即席勉勵學生走創科路,做好生涯規劃。
2023年 3月7日
2023年 3月5日
2023年 3月3日
2023年 3月2日
2023年 2 月26日
2023年 2 月25日
Happy Friday!學生當然最想把教室移師户外,今次我們進行跨校合作,邀請高中學生扮演愛心神秘顧客,耐心聆聽小企業家介紹推介產品,中學生要在指定時間內選擇「理性」、「感性」消費,同儕之間要互相分享,經濟科學生卻是最後一批顧客,他們要在資源缺乏下作出選擇,也要做到利益最大化,極富挑戰。
2023年 2 月24日
孔中比政府快一步派消費券啦,大家可以開開心心參加 Shopping Go ,「小學企業家」很有心思,有媽媽愛心湯、鮮果、雪糕、手工藝精品......,好有愛啊!
2023年 2 月23日
承蒙家教會資助,增添家的温馨感覺. We are family.
可能是 1 人的圖像
2023年 2 月21日
熱烈恭賀陳予飛同學在亞洲學生藝術節榮獲獎項,陳予飛在廣州一間著名音樂學院修讀藝術,去年來港後,立即入讀本校繼續升學,期間囊括多項公開音樂比賽獎項,魅力非凡,歌聲好有穿透力,今年頒獎禮,學校安排9位樂師即場伴奏,圓他的 mini concert 夢。他也上遊之星獎學金得主,正修讀流行曲創作課程,好學不倦,繼續追夢。
2023年 2 月20日
可能是 6 人、大家站著和戶外的圖像
2023年 2 月18日
中六級最後上課天,通識科歷史使命完結。大家想有一份儀式感,就訂餐飯聚吧!茶記老闆知悉今次是打氣飯局,加餸鼓勵,還千叮萬囑學生要用功讀書。今日以後,大家就要努力備戰 DSE,搏盡無悔
可能是 4 人、大家坐著、表格和室內的圖像
2023年 2 月16日
可能是顯示的文字是「去年本港人口減6.9萬 香港居民净移出6萬 (萬人) 748.25 748.25750.07747.42 747.42 750.07 750 740 730 740.31 733.32 720 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018至2022年底人口數字 2023.2.16 2018 24200 2019 20000 2020 2021 2022 -10100 -20000 -40000 -60000 -80000 -28900 -96400 -60000 2018至2022年香港居民净遷移 (扣除單程證移入/移出) 」的圖像
【去年本港人口減6.9萬 6萬居民淨移出】
校園生活多姿彩,Happy school, 一日有三個重量級活動 1. 師生籃球賽 (為左捧老師場大家可以去到幾盡,成班同學完賽先醒起仲未食飯)2.寶礦力運動講座(贈品大放送) 3. 藝術治療形體工作坊(4B班演員極有潛質做影帝)
2023年 2 月15日
2023年 2 月14日
「校園淘寶」系列......6年前的今日,幾位立法會議員訪校,同學可曾記得曾經跟律政司副司長張國鈞先生,SBS, JP 合照。
可能是 11 人、大家站著和室內的圖像
2023年 2 月13日
2023年 2 月11日
可能是 6 人、大家站著和室內的圖像
2023年 2 月10日
2023年 2 月8日
兩位5A同學在早會English Airtime 粉墨登場,莫非貴人出門招風雨,這一刻,灑落雨粉,大家怔住了。孔中兒女在微風細雨中,以行動支持台上同學,繼續聆聽演說,互勵互勉,「風雨同路見真心」。
可能是 2 人、大家站著、紀念碑和戶外的圖像
2023年 2 月5日
2023年 2 月4日
2023年 2 月3日
可能是 1 人的圖像
2023年 2 月2日
2023年 2 月1日
中華文化周 Episode II:今日同大家分享加道連山道「家」的濃情和味道,剪紙、吉祥語、家鄉菜......同學施展渾身解數,集百家之大成,共度新春,未到元宵,大家一於繼續慶祝。

31 January 2023

可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「表師世萬 世 致 大 格 粉 志 學 रा 善 先 明 浪 持 郭 見 善 自 好」的圖像

中華文化周2023~變臉 + 古彩戲法

可能是 2 個人的圖像

可能是 1 人的圖像

可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「表師世萬 致 知 格 物 志 學 明 德 持 躬 見 善 自 先」的圖像

可能是 3 個人的圖像

可能是 3 個人的圖像

可能是 3 個人的圖像

可能是 1 人的圖像

可能是 1 人的圖像


可能是 1 人的圖像

可能是 2 個人的圖像

可能是 1 人的圖像

可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「表師世萬 致 知 格 物 志 學 明 德 持 躬 見 善 自 先」的圖像


15 January 2023








14 January 2023

香港著名歷史學家丁新豹教授和一班研究歷史文化的學者、大學生訪校,小編邀請訪客親身體驗考試試場座位特別佈置,Feel so good!


可能是顯示的文字是「致 如 格 表師世萬 志 明 è 持 鳥 見 善 自 + PUmA 」的圖像










本校獲香港心臟專科學院資助開心果月2022活動,為家長選購蜜柑和蘋果,寓意「金」銀滿屋(柑)和「平」安健康 (蘋果),限量80份,明早家長日派發




13 January 2023


















12 January 2023




11 January 2023


HKDI Info Day 2023: 樂齡服務、復康護理課程介紹

共用圖片/檔案 - HKDI Info Day 2023: 樂齡服務、復康護理課程介紹

共用圖片/檔案 - HKDI Info Day 2023: 樂齡服務、復康護理課程介紹

共用圖片/檔案 - HKDI Info Day 2023: 樂齡服務、復康護理課程介紹


HKDI Taster Program and Info Day 2023: Theme: Design and Creativity

共用圖片/檔案 - HKDI Taster Program and Info Day 2023: Theme: Design and Creativity

共用圖片/檔案 - HKDI Taster Program and Info Day 2023: Theme: Design and Creativity

共用圖片/檔案 - HKDI Taster Program and Info Day 2023: Theme: Design and Creativity

共用圖片/檔案 - HKDI Taster Program and Info Day 2023: Theme: Design and Creativity

10 January 2023

10 January 2023

06 January 2023

31 December 2022

30 December 2022

21 December 2022

20 December 2022

20 December 2022

20 December 2022

16 December 2022

16 December 2022

15 December 2022

09 December 2022

06 December 2022


06 December 2022 


03 December 2022


30 November 2022


30 November 2022


28 November 2022


12 November 2022


11 November 2022


10 November 2022


7 November 2022


7 November 2022


7 November 2022



4 November 2022 


1 November 2022



30 October 2022  



30 October 2022 



29 October 2022 


28 October 2022  


28 October 2022 


27 October 2022 

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221027_1

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221027_3


25 October 2022 

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221025_4

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221025_1



24 October 2022 Mr. Louis Koo Tin Lok invited 14 students who have birthdays in October to watch the movie "Tomorrow's War" with him. Although 15 of us sat in the back row, we could still feel the lively atmosphere, and the filmmakers needed everyone's support.

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221024-1


21 October 2022 Congratulations to LEVANNAH for breaking the two records of the school's 21 years in the Land Games. Ladies and gentlemen, if you have won awards on the podium in the sports field, can you share with us the grand occasion of Confucius Hall Secondary School's Sport Day that year?

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221018-17

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221018-18

18 October 2022 In the past two days, everyone seems to have experienced the changes of the weather in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and they are happy to return.

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221018-16


17 October 2022 Mangkhut typhoon in 2018; sports ground maintenance in 2019; severe epidemic situation in 2020-2021, today there is a land games, and athletes from the four clubs are showing their creativity.

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221018-2


14 October 2022 On behalf of the Chinese Chess Referees Association was invited to attend the "Hong Kong Xiangqi Open 2022" award ceremony at Confucius Hall Secondary School, sponsored by the Xiangqi Education Foundation Limited and hosted by the Hong Kong Xiangqi Association Limited

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221017-1


14 October 2022  I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Hong Kong Arts Development Council for sponsoring the school to carry out arts education.

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221014-2


13 October 2022  Student Council Election 2022, ready to go!

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221013



8 October 2022  Student Council Election 2022, ready to go!

共用圖片/檔案 - 20221008


7 October 2022  Out of the classroom to the playground to sketch, students like to study in the sun, even if they are sweating, it will not harm their elegance.

共用圖片/檔案 - 202210061


6 October 2022  Congratulations to Mak Tse-shing, who was admitted to the Department of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, and started a new milestone in his learning. Congratulations to Chen Jingqi (first from the left) for her admission to the Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong. After transferring to our school, Jingqi, with her perseverance , create success. Congratulations

Li Jin (first from the right)was admitted by the University of Bath, UK, to study the Bachelor of Architecture program

共用圖片/檔案 - 100611


1 October 2022 Flag raising ceremony

共用圖片/檔案 - 100610


29 September 2022  Teacher Ng and his student are demostrating an underwater robot

共用圖片/檔案 - 100609


27 September 2022  Teacher Lau, Director of the Visual Arts Department, cooperated with Master to teach secondary level students the handicraft of White Iron.

共用圖片/檔案 - 10060801


20 September 2022  CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project

Please click the details


17 September 2022 Dr. Cao Hongwei, a famous Hong Kong biochemist, gave a speech at Confucius Hall

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17 September 2022  Five students from our school were invited by the conference to attend the recognition ceremony. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the people who are willing to provide better learning support for grassroots students, so that students can make good use of online resources, broaden their international horizons and improve their learning efficiency.

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16 September 2022 The opening of "Innovation Hub" marks a new milestone in the development of innovation and technology of Confucius Hall Secondary School.

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15 September 2022 We would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the musicians of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for their wonderful performances.

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2 September 2022 CityLab introduces the Child Development Fund

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1 September 2022 The students bowed their hands to the teachers at the opening ceremony, and the school social workers Ms. Tan and Ms. Cai introduced the exciting activities of this school year.


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25 August 2022  TVB "Home Architecture" introduces Confucius Lecture Hall (Part 1/Part 2)

Please click the link


20 August 2022 Orientation Lecture 2022, welcome everyone to join the new family of Kong Shengtang Middle School

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18 August 2022  The Link Center and the Chinese Language and Culture Studio of HKU Chinese Academy held the "First Cantonese Debating Competition for Non-Chinese-speaking Secondary School Students in Hong Kong". Our Chinese Debate Team led by Mr. Zhou Chunjun and Mr. Yu Jianghe won the competition.

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5 August 2022 Ocean Park x Swift Hackathon

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3 August 2022 We just finished a sea trip and experienced a different feeling in the simulated cockpit.

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1 August 2022 孔聖堂中學校長楊永漢博士與廈門外國語學校石獅分校結盟姊妹學校,透過視像會議進行簽約儀式。(Chinese version only)

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1 August 2022 Confucius Hall Secondary School keeps pace with the times and promotes STEM education with good results

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1 August 2022 Teacher Development Day : Emerging Industry Visits: Scented Candles

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29 July 2022 Principal Yeung is being interviewed by TVB reporter Ms. Chi  Tsui-iying about the history of Confucius Hall

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23 July 2022   Congratulations to Leung Cheuk-hin, a student of Class 4B, who has been actively participating in various extra-curricular activities for one year. He was nominated by our school to participate in the selection of the Outstanding Students Recognition Program for Extra-curricular Activities in Hong Kong and stood out.

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20 July 2022   Congratulations to our DSE students, who scored 5* in 4 subjects, 5 in 2 subjects, and the best 6 subjects scored 34 points.  

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20 July 2022  Congratulations to our DSE students : "My students continue to move towards their ideals. See you in the university!"

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15 July 2022  Participate in the 2021 "National Day" Online Quiz Contest

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15 July 2022  On the last school day on  21-22, the President of the Student Union and two officers sewed a leather certificate cover and gave it to Principal Yang. The letter "A" on the cover is the first letter of the principal's name Andy. This class of students is really Very thoughtful!

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7 July 2022 Our school has won several awards in STEM academic competitions. Ming Pao reporters interviewed the principal, teachers and students for their opinions on the development of innovation and technology

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4 July 2022 Mosque Visit

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3 July 2022 世界和平書法日,齊創SDG紀錄(Please refer to the Chinese version)

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4 July 2022 Confucius Hall Secondary School in DSS Schools 2023-24  I   WISE Choices

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Press photo for enlarge


23 June 2022  楊校長透過視像會議,與四川省汶川中學龍紹明校長進行簽約儀式,結盟為姊妹學校。[Chinese only]

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23 June 2022  Jockey lub Musicus heritage at Confusicius Hall

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22 June 2022  Rise to the sky @CHSS


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22 June 2022  Swift Coing Club Member

共用圖片/檔案 - swift Coding Club

20 June 2022  深切懷念屈植明老師


共用圖片/檔案 - 屈植明老師訃聞


17  June 2022  Jockey Club InspiringHK " Sports CHAT"

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16 June 2022  Principal Yang was interviewed by the media and filming of [AI for the future].

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15 June 2022  F.2 Harmony Pastel Class, students are looking forward to seeing you next week

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13 June 2022 Every Monday morning, all teachers and students participate in the flag-raising ceremony

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20 May 2022 Graduation Weekly Meeting for Secondary 6


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20 May 2022 Teacher Mr. Shi Nian feng share his outlook on life. "Wwithout fear of any difficulties, riding the wind and waves, cherishing life."

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20 May 2022 Social worker Miss. Tan reminded us that today is May 20th. "I am grateful to the people around me who have sacrificed for me, passed on love, and provided emotional support information from the organization."


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9 May 2022  Our school's top junior high school mathematics students participated in the MathConceptition mathematical thinking battle. We are sincerely thank teachers Chan Hing Shing and Chan Chun Yiu for their training.

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6 May 2022  After the resumption of classes, several new STEM scientists finally showed up in our first weekly meeting. Special thanks to the Parent-Teacher Association for generously sponsoring a scholarship of HK$4,000 and rewarding the four top students. 

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4 May 2022 The school has prepared 100 vortex gifts for student to celebrate the festival with their mother.


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29 April 2022 Social workers Ms. Lu and Ms. Tan prepare welcome gifts for everyone

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25 April 2022 Campus Movies

Our campus movies in May 2021
~那些年·我們一起「築」的秘密基地~, the results of the competition were finally announced soon. We will inform you..

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23 April 2022 DSE Cheer Video


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Check Here to view the video.

Youtube Link 


21 April 2022 South China Morning Post visited Principal Yeung and he shared his successful experience in education.


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13 April 2022 Our school fully support our F.6 Students for HKDSE examination 2022

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10 March 2022 Confucius Hal Secondary School School Social Work Service

COVID-19 Resource Kit

Stand Together, Get Stronger

During the special holiday, Principal Yeung and our staffs are on duty to support everyone.
Parents and students can contact us by phone or email.
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Download Here


31 Jan 2022 Chinese New Year Greetings from Confucius Hal Secondary School

Check Here to view the video.



20 Jan 2022 Staff, student council officers, leaders, monitor and vice monitor received a New Year gift package from Principal Yeung

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15 Jan 2022 Joyful Fruit Day



15-1-2022 Parent Teacher Association Annual General Meeting 2021-2022



14 Jan 2022 F6 graduating class for Joyful Fruit Day 2022

10-1-2022 Students serve as flag-guard team



7-1-2022 Leadership Oath Ceremony



31-12-2021 恭贺6B班麦泽城为泰山功德会第一届孝道之星(Chinese Only)



18 Dec 2021 Sharing by Mr. Shun Chi-ming, The Former Director of the Observatory \ Mr. Tse Chin-wan, Under Secy for the Env



6-12-2021 Welcome friends from "Ramblr"



29 Nov 2021 National Security Education Workshop for Teacher



27-11-2021 老師和學生出席「中華文化的探本溯源」講座( Chinese Only)

22 Nov 2021 Home-school cooperation activities



19-11-2021 Adventure Rock Climbing Training



17-11-2021 Ecoversity Conference



6-11-2021 Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Expo 2021



3-11-2021 Students tour of the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education



28-10-2021 環保署 <<走塑2.0計畫>>, 學生自備午膳( Chinese Only)



27-10-2021 Teacher-student basketball game



27-10-2021 Campus Sports Day



25-10-2021 Mr. HUI YIU KWAN and Dr. TSUI Ping Kwong planting trees



25-10-2021 Campus activities (preparatory school workshops, coffee workshops, leadership training)


22-10-2021 TVB reporter interviewed our school <活研活用>



21-10-2021 MiyazakiJTB農泊


Click Here to watch the video


27- 9 -2021 Headline Daily


24-9-2021 weekly Meeting 



11-9-2021 Kan Hung Chiu Lecture by Dr louis ng chi and Ma Fung-kwok



10-9-2021  Unveiling of Jian Kongzhao's Bronze Statue and Tree Planting Ceremony



9-9-2021 Lion Dance Performance 2021


Click Here to watch the video


1-9-2021 School Commencement 2021


共用圖片/檔案 - 1 sep 2021 no.4


21-8-2021 Orientation Talk 2021


共用圖片/檔案 - Orientation Talk 2021


5-7-2021 Special Feature of Ming Pao A14 Promotion School Selection



Check Here to dowmloard video.